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Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites, shop websites, and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and offers support for the WPML MULTI LANGUAGE plugin, just in case you need it
It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own clean skin or use one of 18 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unique styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo
Key Features Overview
- Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
- Unique Drag and Drop Template Builder, built only for this theme. Almost any layout imaginable is possible. Also comes with a ton of Unique elements for the template Builder:
- Columns, Slider, Buttons, Gallery, team, Tabs, Toogles, Accordions, Pricing and Data Tables, Call to Action Buttons, Testimonials and many more. (To avoid confusion: this is a Content Editor. Header and Footer are not managed this way)
- Ajax Instant Search: user get results while typing
- Translation ready with mo/po files
- WooCommerce Ready: add your own Shop and sell anything from digital Goods to Coconuts
- WooCommerce Bookings Support for time and date based bookings
- WPML plugin ready:WPML Plugin, in case your business needs a multi language site
- Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (iphone, ipad)
- Retina Ready: Looks beautiful on smarthpones and tablets
- Deactivate responsive features with one click in your backend
- WordPress Multisite enabled
- Mailchimp Newsletter Integration
- Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro Integration
- 2D + 3D Layerslider Slideshow (Layerslider Plugin included)
- 2D Easy Slider for slideshow creation in seconds
- All slideshows optimized for mobile devices (hardware accelerated CSS3 slider)
- Post Format Support: Standard, Image, Video, Gallery, Link, Quote
- Multiple Slideshows possible. You can add multiple to each post, page or portfolio entry
- 20+ predefined skins, easy to edit and modify. Any number of skins possible
- Video Support: Supports Videos from any major video hosting service
- Video Slideshows with support for Youtube, Vimeo and self hosted videos
- Visual Shortcode editor with preview function, tons of shortcodes like pricing tables, columns, buttons etc
- Unlimited Color Options with Backend Color Picker for any kind of gorgeous color settings.
- Unique unlimited sidebars for each page/category possible
- User Manual, short videos and professional theme support by me and my team to fix any kind of problems
- Unlimited Portfolio Pages. Also supports Ajax Portfolio
- Free Lifetime Updates and access to our support forum
- Growing community in our support forum:over 50000 registered users, 85000 Topics, 350000 Posts. We do care that your site works and answer every post!
- jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
- Contact Form Builder: Modify your contact form from your backend: add/remove/modify the available inputs, textareas, dropdowns and checkboxes
- SEO Optimized: our Code is built with SEO best practice in mind: headings, heavy internal linking, google rich snippets and so much more
- Advanced Typography Options
- Wide & Boxed Layout Versions
- Advanced Header Options
- Child theme support for easy customization, that is not affected by theme updates. You can download a very basic child theme here
- more than 30 PSDs included with almost every page template you see in the “Enfold Default Demo”
- RTL stylesheet for languages that are read from right to left like Arabic, Hebrew, etc
- 20+ different Language Files included:
- English
- German
- Czech
- Danish
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- Japanese
- Dutch
- Portugese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Korean
- Arabic
- Norsk
- Persian
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
- Clean Programming: Well organized, commented & clean code
- Focus on typography, usability and user-experience
- Tested with WPML, Gravitforms, WP Supercache and many other common plugins
- Extensive documentation
- Growing Video Tutorial Library- A great place to start are our narrated HD Video Tutorials
- The option to decide what updates the theme will receive next by suggesting and voting on features: http://www.kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/
SEO (Search engine optimization)
The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses clean, semantical and valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Headlines are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines.
The site also uses heavy internal site linking, which is also of vital for search engines (related posts, primary and secondary navigation menus, footer navigation, etc) With this Wordpress Template you are well equipped to get a high google ranking and attract visitors to show them your fantastic work
This is a responsive theme, able to adapt its layout to the screen size of your visitors. (try resizing the screen and see for yourself) The Slideshows for this theme are also touch enabled and hardware accelerated, which means they are working super sleek on mobile device like ipad or iphone
Support and Documentation
The theme comes with an extensive help file to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at http://www.kriesi.at/support
We have 12000 registered members that often help out faster than we can. Nevertheless you will always recieve a response from me or my support team. More than 100000 Posts show that we do care that your site works fine
A short notice: The reasons I have chosen to use my own forum are quite simple:
- Themeforest support threads are not searchable. Since most questions are asked over and over again a searchable forum will greatly enhance your experience since the answer to your question might already be there.
- Second Reason: people can’t respond to each other at themeforest to help each other out, which often happens on the support forums.
Hope you are happy with the theme. Have fun editing it
Best regardsKriesi
External scripts and resources used
- Layerslider WP
- Main Icon set: Entypo Icon Font
- Some Iconsets made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
- flickr creative commons library pictures by: codyR, kretyen, mescon, obskura, freya23, amir K, Tambako the Jaguar, jaeWalk
- dribbble Portfolio Pictures by Dash
- Please Note: Most images in the theme demo are stock photos from photodune which are not part of the theme
Please Note: By now it’s common knowledge but we want to put it out anyways: no theme on themeforest works with wordpress.com – this includes Enfold. You need to run the wordpress.org software in order to use this theme
2018 May 22th – Version 4.4
This is our big GDPR release. Read more here on our blog
- added: new demo: Enfold Law
- added: cookie consent bar got an improved way of adding unlimited buttons
- added: cookie consent bar got an option to display a modal window with detailed information and the possibility to deactivate some cookies and features
- added: custom font uploader - you can now upload and use any font you like
- added: the facebook page widget got a "data protection" mode were it does not load the facebook javascript without user interaction
- added: the instagram widget got a "data protection" mode were it does store all images on your own server
- added: google maps got a "data protection" mode that allows to load the maps API only when the user clicks on a google map fallback image
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable google analytics tracking
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable google web fonts
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable youtube and vimeo video embeds
- added: shortcode that can be used in your data protection policy that allows the visitor to disable google map embeds
- added: option to add a checkbox to all comment forms that asks for approval of your privacy policy before sending the form
- added: option to add a checkbox to all contact forms that asks for approval of your privacy policy before sending the form
- added: option to add a checkbox to all newsletter forms that asks for approval of your privacy policy before sending the form
- added: option to add a checkbox to your login form that asks for approval of your privacy policy before logging in
- improved: cookie management for portfolio breadcrumb navigation is deactivated if breadcrumbs are deactivated
- fixed: an issue with safari admin menu
- fixed: an issue with the linkpicker not displaying all posts to select2018 May 14th – Version 4.3.2
- added: a new action hook in header.php for 3rd party scripts
- fixed: an issue with the medial demo import
- fixed: duplicate breadcrumb trails
- fixed: rewriting of image urls in compressed css files
- fixed: audio player opened audio file in new tab when page transition was enabled
- fixed: url in slideshow.css background
- fixed: button row hover not working properly
- fixed: an issue with the audio player throwing a php notice when disabled
- fixed: added missing custom css class for timeline element
- fixed: an issue with asset compression crashing
- fixed: self hosted videos now properly use the autoplay setting
- fixed: an issue with the woocommerce lightbox on single product pages when no product gallery is used
- fixed: an issue with repeating background images when they should not repeat
- fixed: an issue with compressed files not saving properly on "localhost"
- improved: default layerslider shortcode is also detected when loading a page
- updated: some language files2018 April 26th – Version 4.3.1
- added: new custom 404 page to the latest demo
- added: output filter for template builder elements
- added: Logoslider/Grid option to not stretch images (basically allows to work like in pre-enfold 4.3 versions)
- fixed: several smaller spelling and translation errors
- fixed: an issue with the footer page not accessible when the setting was disabled
- fixed: small gaps between columns with link applied to them
- fixed: video element not loading the necessary javascript files
- fixed: Fix maintenance mode not working with Yoast
- fixed: missing custom class for button row element
- fixed: an issue with the product review snippet
- fixed: a Timeline Mobile Carousel Issue
- fixed: image copyright showing in backend
- improved: caching plugin detection in backend
- improved: maintenance, 404 and footer page are now better labeled in the page edit screen2018 April 24th – Version 4.3
This is a big performance and feature release. Read more here on our blog
- added: new theme demo: elegant portfolio
- added: performance tab in theme options that allows you to improve your website performance by using file compression/removal
- added: button row element that allows to display multiple buttons beside each other
- added: new "typewriter" animation for rotating header element
- added: you can now set links for columns and cells
- added: you can now set a page as footer. This allows completely different footer designs
- added: option to close the notification template builder element and set a cookie to not display it again
- added: option to use background gradients for cells, columns and sections
- added: option to display a cookie use notification
- added: option to display button label as tooltip (that way you can use icon only buttons with hover effect)
- added: option to set a custom 404 page layout
- added: copyright option for image element
- added: plugin check for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: plugin recommendation for image optimization and caching plugins
- added: advanced styling option to style the active main menu item
- added: new google fonts
- added: margin spacing options for header element and header rotation element
- added: special heading font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- added: heading rotator font size now allows you to select a font size that adapts to your browser window size
- improved: several CSS and JS files will now only load if they are required, based on the theme option settings
- improved: demo import script
- improved: cleaned up default 404 page
- improved: display of the log/partner element. images will now fill the whole space available to them
- fixed: buttons in main menu now always got the same height
- fixed: usage of the old jQuery Migrate Library no longer necessary due to JS improvements
- fixed: backwards comp. with PHP < 5.5 in header.php
- fixed: slideshow fallback link handling for easy slider
- fixed: an issue with the size of self hosted videos
- fixed: loading of instagram images works properly again
- fixed: backwards compatibility issues wit RTL styling
- fixed: ALB color section: Small Arrow in Bottom Border Styling shows up twice
- fixed: ALB Product Purchase Button and WooCommerce > 3.0 lead to endless loop
- fixed: Small issue in not creating attributes in breadcrumb for first element
- fixed: an issue with event calender tickets
- fixed: an display issue with the shop main page and the breadcrumb navigation
- fixed: an issue with image overlay display
- fixed: WooCommerce Checkout will no longer show the inline Terms of Service Page if a pagebuilder page was selected as TOS page (this previously broke the Checkout page layout)
- updated: layerslider plugin
- removed: deprecated "avia combo" widget2018 March 7th – Version 4.2.6
- fixed: an issue with the css/js compression script
- fixed: Portfolio grid does not hide pagination when screen sizes selected and not fullwidth
- improved: update notficiations
- improved: translation handling with WPML
- updated: Language files pl_PL2018 March 1st – Version 4.2.5
- updated: new minor version number in style.css
- fixed: a compatibility issue with php 5.3 and lower
- fixed: a compatibility issue with the Wordfence security plugin
- fixed: an issue with the partner/logo slider
- fixed: Support for revisions for autosave and preview in ALB and non ALB pages
- fixed: some minor spelling errors
- fixed: an issue with the shopping cart icon not displaying properly
- fixed: an issue with menu icons not being displayed in sidebar and footer when hidden in the header
- fixed: an issue with product custom queries when WooCommerce was not enabled
- fixed: an issue with YOAST SEO and Woocommerce Elements in Backend
- improved: handling of 3rd party plugins in Woocommece button ALB element
- improved: display data of events calendar pro on mobile
- improved: we try to hide related youtube videos by default
- improved: script and css loading for several template builder elements (work in progress, more will be added soon after further testing)
- updated: Language files it_IT2018 February 21th – Version 4.2.4
- style.css - new version number
- fixed: base colors when activating the theme and not saving any options
- fixed: outdated spelling
- fixed: issue with WordPress SEO php notice
- fixed: issue with custom css classes not added to masonry
- fixed: issue with 3rd party custom post types saving and ALB
- fixed: issue with magic wand shortcodes and modal subwindow not loading
- fixed: issue with tab sections titles and non latin characters breaking anchor links
- fixed: issue with missing array declaration in theme updates error object (PHP7.0 related)
- fixed: issue in class avia_masonry with load more button (PHP7.0 related)
- fixed: a translation issue in the german translation file
- fixed: broken links in the Enfold 2017 Demo
- fixed: an issue with page transitions and the gallery shortcode
- fixed: an issue with backend feature images selecion when in posts/portfolio overview
- fixed: an issue with events calendar pro recurring events and the masonry
- fixed: an issue WooCommerce 3.3 and ALB productgrid/productslider element (function wc_reset_loop)
- improved: asset inclusion like css and js files, in preparation for file compression
- improved: allow to hide ALB shortcode parser meta box (backend) with screen options checkbox
- updated: Magnific Popup Lightbox2018 February 7th – Version 4.2.3
- style.css - new version number
- added: option to define fallback links for video slides on mobile and tablet devices
- fixed: an ALB shortcode problem with closing tags
- fixed: an array check to avoid a possible php notice
- fixed: Audio player display in WordPress 4.9
- fixed: several spelling errors
- fixed: a problem with Video content not playing in Safari
- fixed: a problem with tab section resizing
- fixed: an issue with the Shopping Cart icon and caching plugins
- improved: RTL handling in Advanced Layout Builder
- improved: support for german special chars in contact form
- improved: slightly improved the drag and drop handling of the ALB
- improved: add security ABSPATH check to several files
- improved: small modifications to gravity form config file
- improved: codeblock element allows to display code snippets now- updated: Language files de_DE, tr_TR, it_IT
- updated: Layerslider Plugin to latest version2018 January 24th – Version 4.2.2
- style.css - new version number
- added: user defined menu classes for customisation are now also used in the burger menu
- added: filter "avf_register_custom_backend_styles" to include custom php files in backend to allow for style modifications
- fixed: any issue with videos in WordPress 4.9
- fixed: a bug with tab section height change
- fixed: a spelling error in the Layerslider Options
- fixed: woocommerce shopping cart position when header custom height is chosen
- fixed: a compatibility issue with the google maps widget
- fixed: instagram overlay css fix
- improved: information displayed on WooCommerce product elements
- improved: make widget titles translatable by WPML
- improved: add deprecate notice for function avia_set_title_tag() which is no longer in use
- improved: internal handling of Gridrow and Cell Element
- improved: schema.org image element markup
- updated: several language files2018 Jan 18th – Version 4.2.1
- style.css - new version number
- added: shortcode debugger and parser that should prevent any html generation errors like unclosed tags
- added: option to manually disable the layerslider
- fixed: an issue with shortcode generation, resulting in unclosed html structures
- fixed: security issue that would allow an attacker to export your enfold settings
- fixed: security issue that allowed an attacker to rewrite the portfolio permalink structure
- fixed: an issue with instagram feed not loading images
- fixed: an issue with main menu in iOS Safari
- updated: layerslider plugin2017 October 23th – Version 4.2
This is a major release with new demos and features. A blog post will soon follow on our blog
- added: 5 new demos for creatives
- band demo
- dj demo
- freelancer demo
- visual artist demo
- gaming demo- added: new template builder element: audio playlist
- added: new google fonts
- added: option to select color for section scroll down arrow
- added: new styling and color options for the toggle shortcode
- added: new wordpress filter to modify or remove main menu- improved: better handling/loading times of deactivated lightbox script
- improved: default mediaelement audio player styling is now more modern, cleaner and requires much less css
- improved: several css files were trimed and others removed (1000 lines of css removed)
- improved: performance of blog element and reduced database queries
- improved: advanced options for link overlay display
- improved: testimonials shortcode delimiter logic
- improved: Plugin WP SEO integration with builder inserted images has been improved
- improved: Horizontal gallery now shows navigation arrows on mobile devices
- improved: Horizontal gallery allows to enter element ID now
- improved: handling of special characters like line breaks in shortcodes
- improved: tab section height handling when inner elements change their height
- improved: scroll down arrow alignment
- improved: several RTL css styles
- improved: breadcrumb navigation in ssl environments
- improved: removed an old filter from woocommerce
- improved: google maps API key handling within the theme and the theme framework
- improved: inclusion of layerslider plugin, so it does no longer show the update notice all the time- fixed: an issue with the toggle shortcode not animating when showing its content
- fixed: issue with section overlays when a down arrow is used
- fixed: an issue with tabsection names that did not contain any non special chars
- fixed: an issue with the hamburger menu when empty links with subitems were used.
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with custom links
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with titles and captions in the lightbox
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now no longer breaks if the number of the initial image is larger than the gallery image count
- fixed: an issue with duplicate ids after a grid row element
- fixed: a bug with tab section alignment on RTL setups
- fixed: an issue with the Woocommerce checkout options on smaller screens
- fixed: an issue with hotspot descriptions
- fixed: an issue with demo import causing php notices
- fixed: a few smaller issues with the new mobile menu
- fixed: an issue with the post delimiter on custom made blog entries
- fixed: an issue with the secondary menu items not visible if the main menu is displayed as burger icon
- fixed: an issue with the shortcode wand and image with hotspot shortcode when not used as a template builder element
- fixed: an issue with product search in woocommerce
- fixed: an issue with mobile submenu cloning when the main menu is set to display in a sidebar
- fixed: an issue with copy/pasted shortcodes
- fixed: an issue with Zen Menu and Themify_Conditional_Menus
- fixed: an issue with importing demo data in php 7
- fixed: an issue with WPML and double language flags in the new mobile menu
- fixed: an issue with diagonal bordered sections and scroll down arrows
- fixed: an issue with burger menu social items on tablet screens
- fixed: an display issue with icon elements following a delimiter
- fixed: a bug with the caption shortcode within the textblock eelment- updated: layerslider plugin
- updated: several translation files2017 July 13th – Version 4.1.1
- style.css - new version number
- fixed: an alignment issue with menus displayed in the center below the logo
- fixed: an issue with table html content on mobile view
- fixed: a padding issue with the mobile burger menu item with some settings
- improved: woocommerce product out of stock handling for masonry and slideshows2017 July 11th – Version 4.1
This is a major release with new demos and features. Read more on our blog post
- added: new photography theme demos: minimal photography and dark photography
- added: new template builder element: horizontal gallery
- added: new modern mobile menu with more options (old mobile menu item was removed)
- added: new theme options tab for the main menu
- added: several new options to edit and style the main menu on mobile devices
- added: most elements received a "screen options" tab.
- added: visibility settings based on the screen options for all template builder elements
- added: font size settings to the screen options tab for text based elements (eg headings)
- added: column count settings based on the screen options for complex column based elements (eg masonry)
- added: advanced styling options for the mobile menu to create unique fly-out and overlay menus
- added: new theme options tab for the layout builder
- added: option to disable the live preview in backend
- added: option to enable custom css classes for template builder elements
- added: option to disable the post navigation between single posts
- added: google maps options to display Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain maps
- added: team element option to change image size
- added: Woocommerce can now add structured data to template builder elements
- added: tab sections can be pre-opened by url now
- added: google maps key check is now done when entering the key for easier checking if the key is valid
- added: new orientation for masonry image elements when set to "perfect grid" - you can now display images as squares, as well as landscape or portrait images of various sizes- fixed: an issue with broken columns in tab section in backend
- fixed: breadcrumb function with custom shops
- fixed: an issue with tab sections on firefox when more than one word was used for the tab title
- fixed: several frontend issues with equal height tabs and columns within tabs
- fixed: RTL related issues
- fixed: an issue with shortcodes when they where copied from one page to another without using the default content field
- fixed: several minor query issues with the latest version of Woocommerce
- fixed: an issue with special chars in heading elements
- fixed: woocommerce cart dropdown on the checkout page was not updated properly
- fixed: several minor spelling errors in the template builder
- fixed: portfolio custom links now work better with various slideshows
- fixed: a woocommerce issue with out of stock items
- fixed: an issue with google maps click events and firefox
- fixed: an issue with initial active item on tab sections
- fixed: a problem with product layout settings
- fixed: an issue with linked images inside the layerslider slideshow
- fixed: a bug with portfolio ajax slideshows not autorotating or stoping after one cycle
- fixed: a minor character encoding problem in the template builder
- fixed: a display issue with comment forms when displayed after certain elements
- fixed: a few minor issues with php 7.1
- fixed: a menu display bug in ios 10+ when the items are animated
- fixed: a z-index issue with section overlays
- fixed: a problem with disabled backend options not beeing rendered properly after enabling them
- fixed: a flickering issue caused by css with the main menu on webkit engines (chrome, safari, opera)
- fixed: a validation issue with the mailchimp API key
- fixed: an issue with the live preview not updating properly after an option change
- fixed: a blog gallery bug when no sidebar blog was used in conjunction with the sidebar main menu
- fixed: menu overlay sub level menu items font size and line height are now set properly
- fixed: an issue with custom menu color settings and transparent menus- improved: search functionality can now be used on mobile phones
- improved: cleanup of several CSS classes
- improved: removal of several JS functions that were no longer needed and improvement of existing functions like menu and smoothscroll- updated: layerslider to the latest version
- updated: several language translation files2017 May 16nd – Version 4.0.6
- added: support for WooCommerce 3.0 product gallery
- added: functionality for tab_section.php (dynamic content height for tabs)
- added: Theme color "highlight" as default hover option for the fullwidth button
- added: filter for custom contact form autoresponder
- added: option field for qual/variable height tab sections
- added: filter 'avf_postslider_show_catergories'
- updated: layerslider. updated to the latest version
- improved: Small SEO improvements for header/logo
- improved: the style-generating script with new fallbacks if the dynamic style css file could not be created
- improved: class-framework-widgets.php - avia_newsbox make option translateable
- fixed: contact form datepicker problem with empty label
- fixed: allow ',' in select option of contact form
- fixed: WC 3.0 deprecated notices and CSS
- fixed: shortcode "Product Purchase Button": variable product does not show any price when all have same price
- fixed: "Equal Height Columns" breaks when columns are not 100% width (e.g. 1/3 1/3)
- fixed: "Equal Height Columns" breaks when columns are not 100% width (e.g. 1/3 1/3)
- fixed: An issue with the template builder modal window when tinyMCE editor was disabled
- removed: Pan controll option from google maps element, since it was removed from the google API
- fixed: a conflict with mailchimp embed classes
- fixed: Masonry Gallery not showing with lightbox deactivated
- fixed: WP core bugfix on single custom post type page - paging not working2017 April 2nd – Version 4.0.5
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-layerslider: updated to the latest version
- folder config-woocommerce: updated compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce 3.0.0
- folder lang: updated some language files
- folder config-templatebuilder: fixed an issue with php 72017 March 28th – Version 4.0.4
- style.css - new version number
- folder config-layerslider: updated to the latest version2017 March 20th – Version 4.0.3
- style.css - new version number
- improved: masonry sorting algorithm
- fixed: an issue that caused section HTML code to be nested wrong, which in turn causes display
- fixed: an issue with the upcoming events countdown when the event already started
- fixed: an issue with section overlays causing invalid html markup and therefore creating visual issues
- fixed: an issue with the fullscreen slider when set to fixed bg
- fixed: an issue with blog navigation when the blog element was used on a portfolio page
- fixed: an issue with multiple sticky submenus not being sticky
- improved: handling of multiple first level menu items in submenu navigation
- updated: a few language files
- updated: rtl css file2017 February 27th – Version 4.0.1 + 4.0.2
- style.css - new version number
- includes/admin/helper-compat-update.php - fixed an issue with older php versions that prevented admin access2017 February 27th – Version 4.0
This is a major release and therefore a larger update. if you want to see a more detailed description with with examples please see our blog post on kriesi.at
- new demo content: Enfold 2017
- added: new header (transparent with border)
- added: full width tab section element
- added: full height grid column
- added: editor element live preview
- added: section and grid row id is visible in the builder canvas for easier distinction
- added: section and grid row content can be toggled to be invisible in backend for better overview
- added: section, column and cells display background images in the canvas
- added: section, column and cells display custom background colors as a small dot beside the name
- added: a new style for the iconbox icon
- added: a new style for progress bars
- added: a new style for testimonial grids
- added: new global blog style "modern business"
- added: google map 2 finger gestures implemented- fixed: issue with multiline rotator
- fixed: display issue with "clone last element button" in tabs
- fixed: display issue with social icons element
- fixed: an issue with the magic wand shortcode button in tinymce
- fixed: an issue with the fullheight grid not displaying properly
- fixed: a php comment that caused wordfence to think it found a security issue
- fixed: an issue with saving templates in the builder not working
- fixed: a bug with ajax portfolio display when the portfolio content was not wide enough
- fixed: a display bug with portfolio and masonry grids in conjunction with the "elegant" blog styling
- fixed: display of title custom color for iconlist if a link is set for the title
- fixed: an issue with double background color declaration on sections
- fixed: an issue with masonry background color, being visible behind the image
- fixed: a display issue with diagonal borders and background image color overlays
- fixed: an issue with pricing tables and currency colors on dark background
- fixed: several small display issue with the elegant blog layout
- fixed: an issue with the countdown timer not counting properly if no seconds are shown
- fixed: a display issue with the headline rotator when set to multiline
- fixed: a few styling issues with the pricing table
- fixed: issue with lightbox not closing properly on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with template builder elements id sanitisation being too thorough
- fixed: a few minor php 7 and 7.1 related warnings
- fixed: some h3 markup is no longer rendered if the title field for the element is left empty
- fixed: an issue with invalid nested markup when a section color overlay was used
- fixed: an issue with the table shortcode not displaying zeros in the backend
- fixed: line breaks in masonry description working again
- fixed: an issue with anchor scrolling on mobile devices when left sidebar main menu was active
- fixed: an issue with anchor scrolling when the menu was set to disaply above the logo
- fixed: an issue with submenu elements and fixed frame settings
- fixed: an issue with submenus not working properly on phones
- fixed: an issue with image markup validation
- fixed: woocommerce ajax add to cart button not working properly
- fixed: an issue with the color picker throwing a css error
- fixed: a visual issue with the admin datepicker element- improved: animation handling when a lot of animations are fired on page load, due to the user having scrolled down
- improved: iconbox display on tablets
- improved: image lightbox preloader styled to fit the theme
- improved: masonry "load next" preloader styled to fit the theme
- improved: some css font size declarations
- improved: styling of portfolio element
- improved: content tab font size adapts to the general font size now
- improved: header bar title markup no longer rendered when title is empty- updated: deprecated jquery methods that caused console warnings
- updated: config-layerslider to the latest version2016 September 12th – Version 3.8 + 3.8.1
This is a major release and therefore a larger update. if you want to see a more detailed description with with examples please see our blog post on kriesi.at
- new demo content:
- Medical demo
- Light Portfolio demo- added: new Menu style: the 'burger icon' menu
- added: new modern styling for the theme options backend, which supports retina screens and is also responsive
- added: custom icons for enfold and portfolio item in main menu
- added: new options to the advanced styling generator for "body" and "p" tags
- added: advanced styling option for the new main menu style (burger menu)
- added: option to end a section with a slanted border
- added: option to clone the last element of a group (eg: clone the last single slide of a slider, a catalogue item or an iconlist)
- added: option to change the Fullscreen Slideshow background to scroll/fix/parallax
- added: new google fonts- improved: google maps api key handling and error messages, as well as update of the documentation on the topic
- fixed: a bug with meta box sorting when on the edit page screen
- fixed: a bug with the animated countdown element not showing the correct date
- fixed: a display bug with the animated countdown element on firefox
- fixed: a display issue with the caption of non linking masonry elements
- fixed: a positioning issue of the fixed fullwidth menu element when using the "fixed frame" layout option
- fixed: an issue were long links were truncated in excerpts
- fixed: an issue with mailchimp world list dropdown menus not displaying
- fixed: an issue with the headline rotator not displaying correctly when multiline was active
- fixed: an issue with the menu manager, caused by deprecated menu items
- fixed: a bug with the display of the WooCommerce product review form2016 August 6th – Version 3.7
This is a "no-thrills" compatibility and bugfix release that ensures that the theme works fine with:
- the upcoming version of WordPress 4.6
- WooCommerce 2.6
- The new google Maps API
- the Instagram API
- the Facebook SDK version 2.7
- also adds small BugfixesNew demos and features will be added to version 3.8 which will be released soon
2016 June 6th – Version 3.6
This is a rather big update. if you want to see a more detailed description with with examples please see our blog post on kriesi.at
- new demo content:
- APP demo
- GYM demo
- Health demo- added: the ability to hide columns and cells on mobile devices
- added: background color option for masonry elements
- added: new coloring/saturation option for the google maps element: ?Full color fill?
- added: new minimal styling option for the data table element
- added: new predefined styling ?white-black? (Used in Gym Demo)
- added: new styling options for ?<mark>? and ?<u>? element that lets you spice up a sites typography considerably
- added: new google fonts
- added: new css classes to the header generator
- improved: iconfont uploader is now able to use packs from http://www.flaticon.com/packs
- improved: iconfont uploader is now able to import custom icons from demos
- improved: iconfont uploader now is able to apply user defined custom names to the fonts. simply name the zip file: ?iconset.YOURNAME.zip? - replace YOURNAME with a name of your choice
- improved: demo import script now includes iconfont files
- improved: favicon is now also displayed in the backend of your theme
- improved: changed a few files that generated false positives in some security plugins
- improved: improved the form generator mail sending logic
- improved: performance of the dynamic style generator
- improved: icon element color selector allows rgba colors now
- improved: caption styling of easy slider
- improved: up/down sliding of the easy and fullscreen slider with a more dynamic transition
- improved: switched title generator to the default wordpress title tag generator recommended in https://codex.wordpress.org/Title_Tag#
- fixed: a translation issue with contact forms
- fixed: an issue that truncated links that contain multiple commas
- fixed: an issue with template builder sections that no longer worked after deleting a column inside
- fixed: the wedding demo import file caused a non editable issue on some servers
- fixed: an issue with the markup helper for blog that wasn't properly deactivated
- fixed: a pagination issue with the blog element when set to grid and an offset was applied
- fixed: a minimum width issues with the facebook widget
- fixed: an issue with the construction demo content on mobile devices
- fixed: removed the "portrait" and "landscape" that are used to controll masonry display tag from interacting with related posts
- fixed: an issue with Instagram widgets and wrong lightbox groups
- fixed: an issue with the page preloader not working properly when safari back button is used
- fixed: enfold date picker styling when woocommerce bookings is active
- fixed: alignment of multiple slideshow buttons on mobile
- fixed: alignment of form fields on mobile
- fixed: space between partner elements on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with testimonials stopping after they are clicked on a mobile device
- fixed: a few z-index issues with the fullwidth menu element
- fixed: an issue with disabled buttons not receiving the correct styling
- fixed: a few errors generated in conjunction with WP-CLI
- updated: layerslider to the latest version (5.6.8)
- updated: google maps API to the latest version
- updated: several language files and added a first version of Hungarian
</u>2016 March 20th – Version 3.5
This is a rather big update. if you want to see a more detailed description with with examples please see our blog post on kriesi.at
- new demo content:
- Hotel demo
- Spa demo
- Travel demo
- Consultant demo
- Résumé demo- added: support and styling for woocommerce bookings
- added: new layout feature. Instead of stretched and boxed you can now chose "framed" which displays a fixed frame around the site
- added: new product style: minimal overlay
- added: new styling option for masonry and masonry gallery element: caption overlay
- added: background images for sections, cells and columns can now be set to "scale to fit" so the whole background image is always visible
- added: font size selection for accordion slider
- added: option to center accordion text
- added: new google fonts
- added: new design - bright blue
- added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Titles
- added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Captions
- added: an XML file for languages, available for the facebook page widget
- added: various title filters
- added: new filter for framework related css body classes- fixed: a page.php thumbnail size bug
- fixed: a css error that was caused by setting a column background to "stretch fullwidth"
- fixed: a slideshow bug that caused buttons to slide in when they should fade
- fixed: a display issue with iconbox titles and some specific fonts
- fixed: an issue with some default css font sizes not adapting properly on smaller screens
- fixed: an issue with slideshow capations on small devices when
- fixed: an issue with blank pages not aligning properly on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with color section background colors not beeing applied to Left Sidebar Layouts
- fixed: an issue with transparent headers and custom menu colours
- fixed: an issue with mobile menu display on tablets
- fixed: issue with accordion slider php notice
- fixed: a problem with product grid item count
- fixed: a display bug with the Fullwidth Easy slider that was caused by choosing original image size
- fixed: a pagination bug with the woocommerce grid element
- fixed: an issue that prevented mailchimp to fetch more than 10 lists
- fixed: an issue that prevented some servers from connecting with mailchimp
- fixed: an issue with html elements added to the table element
- fixed: an issue with the class of the events calendar upcoming events heading
- fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not accepting disabled autorotation
- fixed: an issue with the magazine element throwing a php error on subpages
- fixed: an error with form success message
- fixed: an issue with contact form dropdowns when the "hide label" option was selected
- fixed: an issue with the import script not working properly with PHP7 and dropping the demo menu
- fixed: an issue with the contact form autoresponder not working when more than one mail address is added
- fixed: an issue with google author and publisher rel tag
- fixed: a multi language issue with the facebook plugin and wpml
- fixed: an issue with php notices caused by the grid layout
- fixed: a css notice in the backend when woocommerce is active
- fixed: an issue with the woocommerce quantity selector
- fixed: an issue with the dark default themes
- fixed: an issue with sidebar main menu sticky calculation
- fixed: a problem with google map tooltips
- fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not working in Firefox
- fixed: a syntax error in the autorotation setting of the slideshow
- fixed: a bug with the wedding demo that prevented correct image import
- fixed: missing translation strings in Portfolio.
- fixed: the advanced styling selector of main menu hover items when the logo is displayed above the menu
- fixed: an issue with a javascript file not being loaded properly for layerslider- improved: masonry filter display when loading new elements via "load more" button
- improved: some google fonts now come with more weights
- improved: dynamic styling generator accepts array values now
- improved: header.php - added a new filter function
- improved: index.php + other default template files: abort script if directly loaded in the browser to prevent crawling errors
- improved: automated schema.org markup for blog posts.- updated: layerslider to the latest version (5.6.3)
- updated: several translation files2015 November 5th – Version 3.4
This is a rather big update. if you want to see the full changelog with examples please see our blog post on kriesi.at
You can find a simple changelog below:
new demo content:
- minimal portfolio
- construction demo
- lifestyle blog
- landing page demoadded:
- added: a new header styling with menu above centered logo
- added: a new Enfold Tab for entering the mailchimp API key
- added: new Template builder element: Mailchimp Signup Form Generator
- added: new Template builder element: Featured Image Slider for Posts
- added: a Mailchimp signup widget
- added: a Instagram gallery widget
- added: columns shortcode now allows various animations when displayed first on the screen
- added: you can now save single elements as template builder "templates" for easier re-use (previously only possible for the whole page)
- added: new styling for blog and grid element
- added: new animations for images
- added: option to lock the advanced layout editor for non-admins to prevent accidental layout changes
- added: new default styling ?minimal white?
- added: new default styling ?boxed minimal?
- added: new default styling ?blue-yellow?
- added: sidebar separator styling
- added: global option for advanced styling tab that lets you configure border radius of buttons
- added: global option for advanced styling tab that lets you configure styling of widget titles
- added: a few trending google fonts
- added: javascript rules for the new header styling
- added new blog styling: "Elegant"
- added: blog element option that allows you to remove the element on sub pages (/page/2/, /page/3/ etc)
- added: option for the linked image overlay to remove the icon at ?advanced styling options? for a minimal look
- added: option for the linked image overlay to remove the overlay completelyimproved:
- improved: styling of the response when a mailchimp or contact form is sent
- improved: contact form generator flexibility
- improved: contact form validation of numbers
- improved: loop-index.php and loop-author.php has a slightly different layout when the new blog style "Elegant" is used
- improved: the description text of the Headline rotator element
- improved: deactivated catalogue items are marked red now in your backend for easier detection
- improved: contact form element in backend
- improved: changed parallax html structure in preparation for future updates and improvements
- improved: the way metaboxes in the backend are storedfixed:
- fixed: a bug with advanced layout options and font selection
- fixed: an issue with very long similar labels of contact form elements causing the contact form to send the same value twice
- fixed: a display bug with archive description if no description was added
- fixed: a css class error in template-builder.php
- fixed: a css bug where iOS9 replaced an arrow with an emoji
- fixed: a css bug with lightbox caption size
- fixed: a layout issue with elements inside sections that where set to minimum height
- fixed: a bug with menu items that occurs with right aligned logos
- fixed: a flickering issue with fullwidth buttons on safari
- fixed: a flickering issue with the fullwidth slider in ie11
- fixed: an issue with safari that caused various elements to no longer work when you switch tabs (slider testimonial)
- fixed: a bug that caused the slideshows within the ajax portfolio not to work
- fixed: a bug that set the mega menu position wrong after resizing a browser window
- fixed: a bug that messed up lightbox grouping on pages with ajax elements (eg: masonry)
- fixed: woocommerce styling of "order again" button
- fixed: woocommerce styling of login form
- fixed: a bug with woocommerce cart not displaying correctly on boxed layouts
- fixed: a bug with woocommerce items in cart inheriting a wrong height and line height
- fixed: display bug with recurring events when using a template builder element
- fixed: a display bug with the event map on single pages
- fixed: a bug with the masonry loading duplicate entries when set to random
- fixed: an issue with the accordion slider and default lightbox linking
- fixed: wrong display of mobile data table headings
- fixed: an incompatibility with the plugin "woocommerce tabs manager"
- fixed: a bug that caused animated numbers to animate more than once
- fixed: changed some backend css class names to prevent incompatibilities with other plugins (eg: debug)
- fixed: an issue with the contact form not displaying the success message when a decimal number was entered
- fixed: a nesting error for menu element a tagsupdated:
- updated: framework to the latest version
- updated: the facebook page widget was replaced with the newer responsive page plugin
- updated: tribe events calendar integration. (updating to the latest events calendar version might be necessary)
- updated: NL translation files2015 August 19th – Version 3.3
- folder framework:
- files were updated to work with WordPress 4.3: This will remove some PHP Errors and layout problems caused by the customizer- folder css:
- several small bugfixes and improvements for template builder elements
- fixed a layout problem with WooCommerce
- fixed display of large gap masonry when inside color section or column
- fixed display of no sidebar blog font size if a different standard font size was chosen- folder js:
- fixed a problem with smooth scrolling
- fixed a problem with minimum height calculations- folder includes:
- improvement of some of the demo files
- fixed a problem with the advanced styling editor
- fixed a problem with the admin bar menu- folder config-templatebuilder:
- small php improvement to the masonry element
- fixed a rare nesting error with color sections- folder config-layerslider:
- updated the layerslider to the latest version2015 June 3rd – Version 3.2
- new demo content:
- wedding demo
- church demo- added:
- added: columns now got styling options like background color, image, padding, margin
- added: colorpicker now allows to the use of RGBA (transparent) colors
- added: new element: events countdown
- added: option to center contact form text
- added: linktarget option for hotspot links
- added: Audio Posts now also display the audio preview in grid mode
- added: Gallery elements allows to display only the first image of the gallery and the other images are accessible via lightbox
- added: new advanced font options for headings (font weight / text transform) in advanced styling editor
- added: minimal header with drop shadow
- added: main menu filter hook
- added: 2 new color schemes
- added: css column stylings-bugfixes:
- fixed: image upload glitch affecting older themes
- fixed: an issue with masonry excerpts displaying shortcodes
- fixed: a bug that caused the template builder to disrupt WPML ajax translations
- fixed: a bug with the animated number element if a decimal with a zero was used (eg: 0.007)
- fixed: schema markup for posts
- fixed: a problem with the latest version and the previous enfold config script
- fixed: big with checkout display on mobile
- fixed: an issue with the fallback main menu on mobile devices- updated:
- updated: framework to the latest version
- updated: backend option pages
- updated: layerslider to the latest version- improved:
- improved: default countdown element
- improved: events calendar stylings
- improved: styling for the big testimonial slider on mobile devices
- improved: calendar element colors2015 March 16th ? Version 3.1
One of our biggest updates yet. Since the changelog is so extensive please visit our blog here for more information
2014 October 1st – Version 3.0
This is by far the BIGGEST update for Enfold we have released yet. Since the changelog is so extensive please visit our blog here for more information
Compatible Browsers:
v.9v.10v.11Compatible WordPress Versions:
4.9.x4.8.x4.7.x4. Plugins:
WPMLWooCommerce 3.2.xWooCommerce 3.1.xWooCommerce 3.0.xWooCommerce 2.6.xWooCommerce 2.5WooCommerce 2.4.xWooCommerce 2.3.xWooCommerce 2.2.xWooCommerce 2.1.xWooCommerce 2.0.xbbPress 2.5.xbbPress 2.4.xGravity FormsWP EasyCart 3.1.xEvents Calendar Pro 3.6.xEvents Calendar Pro 3.xEvents Calendar PROEvents CalendarTags:
businesschurchconstructioncorporateecommercefashionhotelmulti purposeone pageparallaxphotographyportfoliorestaurantretinatravelPerformance
PageSpeed Score
80A score calculated by Google Pagespeed Insights - testing various aspects against best practice.
A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.YSlow Score
75A score calculated by Yahoo - testing various aspects against best practice.
A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.Load Time
Load time should be as fast as possible ( less than 3 seconds ) - every additional second will cost you visitors and google ranking.
Try to keep the number of requests small ( less than 50 ) - combine files / remove plugins to reduce the number of requests.
Page Size
Page size should be as small as possible ( less than 3 MB ) - optimize images and minify files to reduce the page weight.
Requests / Type
Size / Type
Time / State
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