how to speed up your wordpress website

After reading that title, you might be saying to yourself, “Well, my WordPress site loads plenty fast”, and you might be right. However, you should keep in mind that each additional second of loading...
WordPress Page builder tools

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already tried your hand setting up a WordPress site or two and perhaps familiarized yourself with basic theme customization. However, while WordPress enables you to do a...
WordPress Content done right

Putting together a site using WordPress isn’t too hard – the true feat is building one properly and being capable of filling it with content worth your visitors’ time. Each new page or post provides...
how and why use child themes

Picking the right theme for your needs is an integral part of the WordPress experience. We’ve all gone through the same process of sifting through the thousands available in order to find a good...
Getting Started with WordPress in 7 easy steps

Just about anyone can buy a domain, find a host, and install WordPress. However, making sure that your WordPress site is setup properly is quite a different matter. Learning the ropes of the platform is...
google monitoring tools

Successful website owners, developers, and WordPress enthusiasts all have one thing in common (on top of an unhealthy addiction to caffeinated beverages, in our experience) – they always seek out the best available tools...