shared hosting

Arvixe Hosting

full SSD Server
free site migration
SSH access
$ 4.00 /month
Starting Price
free trial
money back - 60 days
2.78 s
Load Time
600 ms
99.25 %

Arvixe Hosting Review 2017

In this review, we’ll take a look at the shared hosting services of Arvixe Hosting. Arvixe Hosting offers unlimited shared hosting at affordable prices.

Founded in 2003 by Arvand Sabetian (a high schooler at that time), Arvixe quickly grew into a successful shared hosting company. So successful, in fact, that they were bought up by hosting giant Endurance International Group (EIG) in 2014. EIG is the same ownership group behind massive hosts like Bluehost and Hostgator.

Though Arvixe performed in the lower half of the hosts we tested for most metrics, Arvixe remains a viable option for low-traffic websites or webmasters looking to take advantage of Arvixe’s generous website limits.

Let’s dig in and take a deeper look…

Overview of Arvixe Hosting Features

Here’s what you can expect with Arvixe Hosting:

  • Unlimited storage on all plans
  • Unlimited bandwidth on all plans
  • 6 websites on cheapest plan, unlimited websites on all others
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Free domain name
  • Firewall and DDoS attack protection
  • Free migration
  • 24-hour support

Now, we’ll show you our real-world testing data to see how these claims hold up…

Arvixe Hosting Performance – Real Testing Data

Arvixe Hosting’s performance in our real-world tests was thoroughly mediocre. Though they’re by no means the worst host we tested, they did little to differentiate themselves when pitted against speedier, more reliable shared hosts like A2 Hosting.

When it came to uptime, our test site experienced 99.25% uptime. While this certainly meets Arvixe’s 99.9% guarantee, it’s still in the lower end of the shared hosts we tested.

When we tested Time to First Byte, a basic measure of how quickly a web server responds, our test site responded in .60 seconds. This number was smack dab in the middle of the shared hosts we tested. So, not good or bad – just suitably average.

With regards to overall page load time for our test site, Arvixe clocked in at 2.78 seconds, which was a bit below average for the shared hosts we tested.

So, while there are no glaring negatives of Arvixe, we also didn’t notice any major advantages to warrant choosing Arvixe over some of the other shared hosts we tested.uptime

Arvixe Hosting Data Centers

Data centers are the actual physical location where your website is hosted. Because geographic location plays a part in page load speed, you want your site’s data centers to be located as near as possible to your target visitors.

Arvixe currently has data centers in North America (Dallas, Texas) and Asia (Hong Kong). The Asia data center is a nice option because many shared hosts are limited to North American data centers.

Unfortunately, European targeted websites don’t have an option. But like I said, North America AND Asia is already good coverage for a budget shared host, so Arvixe deserves some kudos here.

Arvixe Hosting Unlimited Storage and Bandwidth

Arvixe offers unlimited storage and bandwidth on all of their plans. Like most shared hosts, this “unlimited” claim is still technically limited by the amount of CPU you use. But, Arvixe is fairly generous when it comes to CPU usage, which is another nice bonus.

You also get unlimited websites when using one of their more expensive plans. And their cheapest plan even offers hosting for up to 6 websites, which is fairly generous as far as budget tiers go.

Arvixe Hosting Support and Knowledge Base

Arvixe offers 24-hour support, though only via ticket and live chat, which is disappointing. They lock phone support behind a $20 per month Priority Support fee, which we didn’t like.

They also have a knowledge base of 264 articles to help with self-support, which is fairly small when compared to most other hosts.

Arvixe Shared Plans and Pricing

Arvixe offers two classes of shared hosting: Personal and Business class.

Personal class plans start at $4 per month when billed biennially or $7 per month when billed monthly. The Personal Class Pro plan, which offers unlimited websites, starts at $7 per month when billed biennially or $10 per month when billed monthly.

Business class plans offer increased performance by hosting fewer websites on each shared server. Business class plans start at $22 per month when billed biennially or $30 per month when billed monthly.

Arvixe VPS and Dedicated Plans

In addition to their shared plans, Arvixe also offers both VPS and dedicated plans.

Their VPS plans start at $40 per month for 50GB storage, unlimited bandwidth, and 1.5GB RAM.

Their dedicated plans start at $128.70 per month for a 128GB SSD and 4GB RAM.

Should You Choose Arvixe Hosting?

It’s tough to give a resounding endorsement because of Arvixe’s mediocre performance in our real world testing. So, we’ll say just this:

Arvixe is not the worst shared host out there, but it’s also by no means the best. If you’re ok with average uptime and average performance, you should be fine with Arvixe Hosting. But, Arvixe did little to differentiate itself in our tests, so we think you can get more value for your money by going with someone like A2 Hosting or SiteGround.

Arvixe offers a 60-day money back guarantee.

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