  • 59
  • 418
  • 7 years ago
  • 5
  • 85
  • 7 years ago
The last update of this item was more than 1 year ago.
It will not be compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
  • 2.95s
    Page Load Time
  • 1.38 MB
    Total Page Size
  • 60
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  • 142
  • 15


Besocial WordPress theme doesn’t just supports BuddyPress. It is a real BuddyPress Community & Social Network theme…

BuddyPress & bbPress pages are designed with care. Besocial integrate seamlessly with all BuddyPress features like; extended profiles, friend connections, private messaging, activity streams, notifications, user groups etc.

We also added some extra power to the theme! Woocommerce support, Like & Dislike Rating System, Featured Member System, User Blog Posts, Custom BuddyPress widgets, FAQ System, Profile Search, Social Media Sharing Buttons, Mutual Buddies, Custom Login/Register Pages, Social Login, Unlimited Sidebars, Mailchimp integration, Facebook Comments and much more…


Username: demo – Password: demo

besocial wordpress theme
theme settings
buddypress icon menu
wordpress front-end login
siteorigin page builder
buddypress featured members
wordpress sitewide stats
buddypress profile search
buddypress global search
wordpress profile cards
wordpress like dislike system
buddypress live notifications
the events calendar
buddypress user blog
buddypress mutual friends
wordpress faq system
bbpress forums
wordpress post formats
wordpress facebook comments
wordpress theme rtl support
wordpress mailchimp integration
wordpress one click demo import
besocial buddypress theme testimonials
view demo

Theme Features

  • Valid HTML5 / CSS3
  • Fully responsive,unique, clean and modern design
  • Powerful theme settings
  • Fonts and color scheme can be changed from theme settings easily
  • You can create unique page layouts with Drag&Drop SiteOrigin Page Builder.
  • 20 awesome custom page builder widget.
  • User Blog: Give your members the ability to create blog posts and send them to review. Combine everyone’s posts into the blog, and easily navigate to any member’s profile to read just their posts. They can add categories, tags, and a featured image.
  • Sitewide (Posts,Comments and BuddyPress Activities) Like & Dislike rating system.
  • Live Search: Your members will find the results they are looking for before they finish typing their query…
  • Custom login & register pages
  • Seamless integration with Woocommerce. All Woocommerce pages are designed with care.
  • Woocommerce ajax menu icon + shopping cart + user menu
  • Unique, customizable BuddyPress icon menu. You can change the menu icons, titles, the order of the menu items, enable/disable any of them or create a custom user menu.
  • BuddyPress advanced member search
  • Built-in Facebook Comments: Built-in Facebook comments feature makes it simple to add the Facebook comments system to your WordPress website without any hassle.
  • FAQ page with category and live search support.
  • A Facebook-style media sharing buttons
  • Mutual Friends: Display a list of mutual friends on a buddypress member’s profile and member list page similar to Facebook
  • Member&Group Cards: Profile Card displays the cover image, thumbnail and a base level of information of the member/group when you hover your mouseover the thumbnail. It will increase the likelihood for users to make even more connections on your website!
  • Live notifications: Your site members will receive realtime notifications for private messages, friend requests, group invitations etc.
  • 4 different blog layout ( 2 Columns + Sidebar, 2 Columns, 3 Columns and 4 Columns )
  • Various category Layouts: Each category on the website can have its own layout and description.
  • Post Selector: The post selector field of the post listing widgets, allows you to build a query to find posts in the database with ease..
  • Fast CSS masonry grid layout
  • Unlimited Sidebar: You can add as many sidebars as you want. You can assign specific sidebars to any post, page or category. (Custom Sidebars plugin)
  • Related posts carousel
  • Flexible Footer: You can use the page builder and a wide range of widgets to create your own unique footer.
  • Post format support (Standard, Image, Gallery, Link, Quote, Video)
  • Social sharing integrated: Besocial comes with social media sharing buttons of the popular social networks.
  • Built-in post image gallery with lightbox
  • Compatible with The Events Calendar plugin
  • Compatible with MailChimp for WordPress. Subscribe your WordPress site visitors to your MailChimp lists, with ease.
  • Compatible with SiteOrigin Widget Bundle plugin (Contains 17+ widget)
  • RTL language ready
  • Compatible with Contact Form 7 plugin. Contact Form 7 is one of the most popular plugins for easily creating forms for your WordPress site.
  • Sticky sidebar and profile menu
  • Fixed & relative main menu options
  • Single post page option
  • Made with SEO and Speed in mind
  • Clean, well organized code
  • Font Awesome +600 Icons
  • Unique css3 page loading animation
  • 700+ Google Fonts
  • Shortcodes with a shortcode generator
  • Add your custom CSS codes easily with built-in CSS editor
  • One click demo import
  • Translation ready. Language files (.po) are included
  • Extensive help documentation
  • Cross Browser Support
  • and much more…


Besocial is compatible with the following plugins;

  • BuddyPress
  • bbPress
  • Theme My Login
  • SiteOrigin Page Builder
  • SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
  • Woocommerce
  • Custom Sidebars
  • BuddyPress Activity Plus
  • BuddyPress Global Search
  • BP Profile Search
  • WordPress Social Login
  • Paid Memberships Pro
  • Mutual Buddies
  • Contact Form 7
  • The Events Calendar
  • MailChimp for WordPress
  • Yoast Seo
  • SiteOrigin CSS
  • rtMedia
  • User Role Editor
  • Autoptimize
  • Optimus
  • WP Optimize
  • Ban Hammer

You might also be interested in Disputo bbPress Forum Theme!

Disputo bbPress theme

Demo Images


  • Unsplash
  • Flickr
  • Pexels
  • Photodune 1
  • Photodune 2
  • Photodune 3
  • Photodune 4
  • Photodune 5
  • Photodune 6
  • Photodune 7
  • Update History

    Version 3.6.1 June 20th, 2018

    A custom version of TML plugin is added to the theme package.
    ( The latest version of TML plugin (7.x) caused some compatibility issues. Also, they changed free modules with paid extentions. Please don't upgrade TML plugin to 7.x and use the custom version of the plugin which is included in the theme package. )

    Version 3.6 May 27th, 2018

    Updated some Woocoommerce files
    Fixed a BuddyPress 3.x compatibility issue (Group Forums)

    Version 3.5 May 21th, 2018

    BuddyPress 3.x Compatibility

    Version 3.4 April 14th, 2018

    Added new fields to icon menu page. You can add additional links to the icon menu now. For more information, please look at the help documentation.
    Fixed some compatibility issues between the theme and RTMedia plugin.
    Added current page url to email button in sharing buttons.
    CSS fixes.
    Updated help documentation.

    Version 3.3 April 09th, 2018

    All bubble notifications which are not "0" are red now.
    Added a bubble notification to user blog icon in the icon menu.

    Version 3.2 April 07th, 2018

    Added Live Notifications !
    Added 3 new bbPress statistic ( Topic count, Reply count and Topic tag count)
    Added visual editor option to the bbpress front-end topic and reply forms
    Fixed bbPress pagination styling issue
    Fixed a php 5.4 error in Besocial Features plugin
    Fixed a Woocommerce error in the cart (Woocommerce 3.3.4)

    Version 3.1 Feb 23th, 2018

    Added "delete post" option to front-end user blog.
    Added "allow only featured members to create blog posts" setting.
    Added "allow your members the ability to upload media files to their posts" setting.
    Updated language files

    Version 3.0 Feb 22th, 2018

    Added user blog feature ! (You should enable it from Theme settings->bbPress & BuddyPress)
    Updated icon menu (You should reset icon menu to use the new menu item)
    Updated author page
    Added numeric post navigation
    Updated language files

    Version 2.3 Dec 13th, 2017

    Bug fixes (WP 4.9)

    Version 2.2 October 31th, 2017

    Added new feature! Besocial is compatible with BuddyPress Global Search plugin now
    Fixed some Woocommerce compatibility issues
    Fixed some CSS issues

    Version 2.1 September 12th, 2017

    Updated outdated woocommerce template versions
    Fixed some css issues
    Fixed a bug in the icon menu ("messages->notices" should be displayed only if the user is admin)

    Version 2.0 June 21th, 2017

    New Feature! Besocial is fully compatible with Woocommerce !
    Added new options to the theme settings.
    Improved icon menu. You can change the order of the menu items and enable/disable icon menu components.
    Updated custom widgets. You can use all post listing, slider and carousel widgets, to display Woocommerce products.
    Updated help documentation.

    Version 1.3 June 12th, 2017

    New Feature! Added BuddyPress member&group cards.
    Added BuddyPress mentions interface to bbPress forum replies
    Added "display featured image on all standard posts" setting.
    Fixed mobile menu issue on IOS mobile devices.
    Fixed mobile logo alignment issue on login page template
    Updated help documentation.

    Version 1.2 June 6th, 2017

    Icon menu is accessible from all mobile devices now.
    Added new option to the theme settings (BuddyPress mobile menu icon)

    May 23th, 2017

    Added one-click full demo installation option to the theme
    Updated help documentation

    Version 1.1 May 12th, 2017

    Fixed bbPress create new topic issue on the frontend (Updated Besocial rating system plugin)
    Fixed faq counter issue
    Added new option to the theme settings to turn off all members activity in activity pages
    Added a child theme to the theme package

    Compatible Browsers:
    Compatible WordPress Versions:
    Compatible Plugins:
    BuddyPress 2.5.x
    WooCommerce 3.0.x
    bbPress 2.5.x
    Events Calendar Pro 3.12.x
    Events Calendar Pro 3.11.x
    Events Calendar Pro 3.10.x
    Events Calendar
    facebook style
    social network
    social networking


    PageSpeed Score

    A score calculated by Google Pagespeed Insights - testing various aspects against best practice.
    A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

    YSlow Score

    A score calculated by Yahoo - testing various aspects against best practice.
    A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

    Load Time

    Load time should be as fast as possible ( less than 3 seconds ) - every additional second will cost you visitors and google ranking.


    Try to keep the number of requests small ( less than 50 ) - combine files / remove plugins to reduce the number of requests.

    Page Size

    Page size should be as small as possible ( less than 3 MB ) - optimize images and minify files to reduce the page weight.

    Requests / Type
    Size / Type
    Time / State



    Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of these links we may receive a commission. We do not receive any money for positive reviews or positive performance tests.