  • 59
  • 6,466
  • 8 years ago
  • 405
  • 2,839
  • 7 years ago
The last update of this item was more than 1 year ago.
It will not be compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
  • 3.27s
    Page Load Time
  • 1.11 MB
    Total Page Size
  • 66
This item was not reviewed yet
Vote for review: 0
  • 23
  • 97


Bimber is a viral magazine theme, that lets you launch a fully functional viral site in no more than 24 hours. It comes with powerful sharing buttons; popular, hot, trending listings and multiple ad locations. Everything in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. Just start today and go viral today!

Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - version 5.5 with Typography Controls

Bimber - Best Selling Viral Magazine WordPress Theme

Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - version 5.4 with Header Builder

Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - version 5.32 with myCRED integration

Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - version 5.2 with Polls

Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - version 5.1
Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - version 5.0

Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - version 4.0


Viral demos







Google AMP

Viral quizzes


Facebook comments, Disqus comments



Fake counters




Bimber Viral Magazine WordPress Theme - Achievements

Snax - Viral Frontend UploaderReactions

Viral Content Optimization

  • Create listicles with images, gifs, self-hosted videos and embeds
  • Popular, hot and trending lists
  • Fancy badges for popular, hot, and trending posts
  • Paginated posts with big, bold navigation
  • Share count visibility threshold – no more “0 shares” messages
  • View count visibility threshold – no more “1 view” messages
  • Comment count visibility threshold – no more “0 comments” messages
  • NSFW posts (Not Safe For Work)
  • Maximize Time on Page with “You may also like”, “More from category” and “Don’t miss” sections

Fake counters

  • Fake shares
  • Fake page views
  • Fake votes
  • Fake reactions

Powerful Social Sharing Buttons

  • Powered by MashShare plugin
  • Share count visibility threshold – no more “0 shares” messages
  • Big buttons with clear call to action
  • Big players first and secondary share buttons
  • Display share buttons before and after post content
  • Sticky sharebar
  • Image sharing
  • Fake share counts for viral newbies

Make Money with Ads

Various ad providers supported:

  • Google AdSense ads
  • Content delivery platforms like Taboola, RevContent, Outbrain, etc…
  • and many more

Multiple ad slots

  • ads automatically injected into post listings
  • ads inside sidebars with sticky option
  • ads inside the post content, before the first paragraph, etc…
  • ad before the header theme area
  • ad before the content theme area
  • ad before the “You may also like” collection
  • ad before the “More from” collection
  • ad before the “Comments” section
  • ad before the “Don’t miss” collection

*Powered by WP QUADS plugin

Start building your mailing list today

  • Integration with free, highly popular MailChimp for WordPress plugin
  • Custom styling
  • Place subscribe form after post content, inside grid collection, inside list collection and inside sidebars

Front-end Submission

Bimber includes Snax – Viral Front-End Uploader plugin, our dedicated solution for submitting viral content:

  • Story (like WP post)
  • Meme (create a funny pic)
  • Open List (users can submit new items and vote for them)
  • Ranked List (users can vote for best item)
  • Classic List
  • Trivia Quiz
  • Personality Quiz
  • Classic Poll
  • Versus Poll
  • Hot or Not Poll
  • Image (photo, gif)
  • Gallery
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Embeds (YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Twitter statuses etc)
  • Check Bimber + Snax in action

    Well Thought Features

    • 100% responsive design
    • Retina ready
    • Cross browser compatibility
    • SEO optimized
    • Compatible with SEO plugins
    • Optimized for Google PageSpeed
    • Microdata (schema.org), rich snippets support
    • Translation ready
    • Full RTL support (right-to-left languages like Arabic or Hebrew)
    • Support for multi page articles
    • Compatible with caching plugins (WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache)
    • Custom Facebook Widget

    Quickly customize it with WordPress Customizer

    • Upload your logo and its retina version
    • Five design styles: original, minimal (Minimal demo), cards (Gagster and Smiley demo), miami (Swagga demo), hardcore (BadBoy demo)
    • Sticky header
    • Boxed or full-width layout
    • Tons of color options
    • 7 different home page and archive layouts
      • Grid + sidebar, 3 featured
      • Grid + sidebar, 1 featured
      • Grid , 3 featured
      • List + sidebar, 3 featured
      • List + sidebar, 1 featured
      • Stream (like on 9GAG) + sidebar 3 featured
      • Stream (like on 9GaG) + skyscrappers 3 featured
    • Hide/Show most elements
    • Infinite scroll (optionally triggered with the Load more button) and standard pagination

    Really Premium Product

    • Created by ThemeForest Elite Author
    • 1-click demo installation
    • 5-star support
    • Automatic, free theme updates
    • Always up to date online documentation
    • Comes with the child theme to allow you safe modifications

    What’s Included

    • All demos
    • All necessary plugins
    • FREE lifetime updates
    • 6 months support – with the ability to extend it
    • Documentation


    Need support?

    Support for all our products is conducted through our support forum , where you can submit your product related questions, bug-findings, etc.


    The photos used in our live preview are not a part of the demo content. All photos can be purchased from shutterstock.com

    Emoji provided free by EmojiOne

    Latest Updates

    VERSION 5.6 – 24 May 2018, major update

    # NEW - Music Demo
    # NEW - GDPR compliance
    # NEW - BuddyPress 3.0 compatibility
    # NEW - Facebook SDK 3.0 compatibility

    # Improved - Tracking code options
    # Improved - Minor performance improvements
    # Improved - Meme generator output file sizes
    # Improved - YouTube player controls to remove suggested videos from a paused and ended video

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - Missing translations
    # Fixed - RTL styles not loading
    # Fixed - Canvas menu not opening in customizer
    # Fixed - Can't disable Facebook Comments per post
    # Fixed - Random ads don't work on widgets
    # Fixed - No page reload after login in login popup
    # Fixed - Unnecessary "See more" link in item comments

    VERSION 5.5 – 8 May 2018, major update

    # NEW - Typoghraphy Controls

    # Improved - Option to set number of more from/you may also like/don't miss posts
    # Improved - Froala editor translations upgraded

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - PHP notices and errors
    # Fixed - Posts loaded while scrolling open FB and Twitter shares in new window instead of in popup
    # Fixed - Issues with featured author widget
    # Fixed - BuddyPress menu exceeds the viewport on mobile
    # Fixed - HTML special chars are escaped in microshares
    # Fixed - Missing translations

    Please read this before you update to 5.4

    If you have modifications in the child theme or you’re running a high traffic live site, please make a backup copy of the site. We also recommend testing the updates on a staging copy of the site. A significant number of templates were modified and incompatibilities with the old child themes might occur.

    VERSION 5.4.2 – 20 April 2018, minor update

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Collections in BuddyPress show full post content
    # Fixed - MyCred bages tab in BuddyPress doesn't deactivate with badges addon
    # Fixed - BuddyPress user cover image not working

    VERSION 5.4.1 – 18 April 2018, minor update

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Header Builder UI glitch

    VERSION 5.4 – 17 April 2018, major update

    # NEW - Header Builder
    # NEW - Exit intent newsletter
    # NEW - Archive header - new options
    # NEW - Global featured entries - new options

    # Improved - Option to disable microshares
    # Improved - FB Comments plugin packaged with the theme

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - PHP errors on older PHP versions
    # Fixed - AMP notices
    # Fixed - Missing translations
    # Fixed - Icons breaking after switch to HTTPs
    # Fixed - AdAce align center issues
    # Fixed - Sticky sidebar breaking on smaller screens
    # Fixed - Reaction icons - missing alt attribute
    # Fixed - Meme - minor UI glitches
    # Fixed - Issues with login popup
    # Fixed - All list drafts turn into open lists
    # Fixed - MediaAce breaking upload for snax_authors
    # Fixed - Share buttons always visible in polls

    VERSION 5.3.5 – 26 February 2018, minor update

    # Improved - Option to restrict polls to one vote per user
    # Improved - Updated WooCommerce templates
    # Improved - Secondary Menu submenu support
    # Improved - reCaptcha on BuddyPress register form

    # Fixed - RTL CSS fixes
    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - Missing translations
    # Fixed - WooCommerce single product sidebar not working
    # Fixed - Featured image in amp
    # Fixed - Disqus not working
    # Fixed - AMP breaks when Mailchimp is used with MashShare
    # Fixed - MyCred badges import errors
    # Fixed - AdAce - some units not visible on AMP
    # Fixed - Custom post type archive title not showing
    # Fixed - Duplicate sponsor after content
    # Fixed - BP register issues on IE
    # Fixed - Snax Login popup chrome dev tools warnings
    # Fixed - AMP error with GIF featured images
    # Fixed - Nested categories issues
    # Fixed - Password reset not working on multisite
    # Fixed - Snax poll character escaping issues
    # Fixed - Meme creator UI glitches
    # Fixed - BuddyPress user profile collection excerpt issues
    # Fixed - Auto Featured Image issues
    # Fixed - Multiple Category Assing on mobile UX glitches
    # Fixed - Post limit blocking edition

    VERSION 5.3.4 – 12 January 2018, minor update

    # Fixed - Boxed backgroud color not working
    # Fixed - Mailchimp form error

    VERSION 5.3.3 – 11 January 2018, minor update

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Icons not working after the update

    VERSION 5.3.2 – 10 January 2018, minor update

    # Improved - Author info box shows BP description if available
    # Improved - Turn reactions on/off separately for collections and single posts

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Import issues
    # Fixed - Ranks break author info box on AMP
    # Fixed - Single group view broken when BP sidebar is disabled
    # Fixed - Voting breaks on AMP
    # Fixed - Snax item's comment being under moderation is visible for other members
    # Fixed - Twitter login not working in WP Social Login

    VERSION 5.3.1 – 22 December 2017, minor update

    # Fixed - Featured author widget shows mutliple users
    # Fixed - BP members counter show wrong value on multisite
    # Fixed - Share badge/rank notification on FB not working
    # Fixed - CSS fixes

    VERSION 5.3 – 21 December 2017, major update

    # NEW - myCRED integration (badges, ranks, hooks, points widget, BuddyPress integration)
    # NEW - BuddyPress followers plugin integration
    # NEW - Reactions BuddyPress page and widget
    # NEW - Votes BuddyPress page and widget
    # NEW - Featured Author widget
    # NEW - Redesigned BuddyPress layouts
    # NEW - BuddyPress profile widgetized Home page
    # NEW - G1 socials for authors

    # Improved - Redesigned author info box
    # Improved - AdAce wraparound ads
    # Improved - Option to add pagination URL waypoints in infinite scroll
    # Improved - Visual Composer upgraded to the latest version

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - PHP Notices
    # Fixed - Microshares don't expand on mobile
    # Fixed - Fake views and shares visible on preview
    # Fixed - Lazyload conflict with AMP
    # Fixed - Missing icons
    # Fixed - Auto Load Next Post breaks "Time ago" date format
    # Fixed - Embed instead of featured image shown in collection for Snax Polls and Quizzes
    # Fixed - Microshares break on autoload
    # Fixed - YT video requires two clicks to start playing on iPad
    # Fixed - Snax item comments - see more uses wrong post count
    # Fixed - Snax Authors can't add images to a poll
    # Fixed - Embed instead of featured image shown in collection for Snax Polls and Quizzes
    # Fixed - Snax breaks 2nd level comments

    VERSION 5.2.4 – 16 November 2017, minor update

    # Improved - Load more/ infinite scroll UX

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - Archive does not show post when featured and collection has sidebar and there's only one post
    # Fixed - Middle of the content ad displays in a wrong location
    # Fixed - No featured images in the BuddyPress posts card
    # Fixed - Video player issues on load more/auto load
    # Fixed - Pinterest default domain
    # Fixed - Snax breaks wp-admin post search
    # Fixed - Image/item microshare shares wrong image
    # Fixed - Mov videos not working

    VERSION 5.2.3 – 8 November 2017, minor update

    # Fixed - G1 Socials not automatically updating

    VERSION 5.2.2 – 7 November 2017, minor update

    # Improved - Autoplay UX
    # Improved - Poll UX
    # Improved - Autoload UX

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - Animated GIFs display issues
    # Fixed - Items not clickable in featured entries if there's no featured image
    # Fixed - Items are lost when saving list draft
    # Fixed - Poll displays too many results
    # Fixed - Clasic collection displays full content instead of excerpt
    # Fixed - Users with lower roles can access Ads in dashboard
    # Fixed - Sticky sharebar shows on Auto Loaded next post even if it's disabled
    # Fixed - Wrong schema for AMP
    # Fixed - Can't disable ads for search results
    # Fixed - Ads not available for polls
    # Fixed - Polls/quizzes conflict with YOAST link checker
    # Fixed - Sticky sidebar glitches
    # Fixed - Autoload analytics issues
    # Fixed - Lazy load breaking RSS
    # Fixed - Ads rendering in wrong places
    # Fixed - Snax sanitizes embedly in story
    # Fixed - Snax Lists widget shows closed for submissions lists when is set to show only open for submissions lists
    # Fixed - Missing translations

    VERSION 5.2.1 – 26 October 2017, minor update

    # Improved - Visual Composer 5.4.2

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Escaping characters in poll share
    # Fixed - Only first poll share works
    # Fixed - Polls require manual regeneration of permalinks to work

    VERSION 5.2 – 24 October 2017, major update

    # NEW - Classic poll
    # NEW - Versus poll
    # NEW - Hot or Not poll

    # Improved - HDPi image field in custom ads
    # Improved - Google Analytics and WPP counts views for auto loaded posts
    # Improved - Snapchat in G1 Socials
    # Improved - Up to date WooCommerce templates

    # Fixed - PHP notices and errors
    # Fixed - Most viewed collections not working
    # Fixed - Ads don't work on author archives
    # Fixed - Snax call to action widget has wrong link

    VERSION 5.1 – 4 October 2017, major update

    # NEW - Auto load next post rewritten
    # NEW - Auto play videos on stream collection
    # NEW - Visual Composer upgraded to the latest version

    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Multisite issues
    # Fixed - Loco Translate default file location
    # Fixed - Lazy load breaks cropping in BuddyPress
    # Fixed - Lazy load breaks Instant Articles
    # Fixed - bbPress breaks manual excerpts
    # Fixed - Repeating middle of the content ads
    # Fixed - AdAce breaks instant articles
    # Fixed - Blurred images with big height
    # Fixed - Watermarks break animated GIFs
    # Fixed - Auto load next post breaks various post elements
    # Fixed - List description is not saved
    # Fixed - Fake views, votes, reactions settings available for author role
    # Fixed - Ads are not displayed on tag archive
    # Fixed - MashShare placeholder descriptions for Facebook share
    # Fixed - Ads render is RSS feeds
    # Fixed - AdAce AMP issues
    # Fixed - AdAce activation error
    # Fixed - Embeds do not work in auto load next post/ load more
    # Fixed - Counter for list shows wrong number after removing/adding items
    # Fixed - Guest voting UX glitches

    VERSION 5.0.2 – 12 September 2017, minor update

    # NEW - Ad groups

    # Improved - Ad slot settings

    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - Ads not working on Bunchy collection template
    # Fixed - Ad align setting not working
    # Fixed - Ad links attributes
    # Fixed - Posts per page setting not taking effect
    # Fixed - Cross-conflict with YOAST and Visual Composer
    # Fixed - Reply button on AMP pages not workign
    # Fixed - 1 with sidebar template not working
    # Fixed - AdAce breaking Instant Articles
    # Fixed - Embeds not working in auto loaded posts
    # Fixed - Video format does not show grabbed featured image when using embed video
    # Fixed - Snax login URL glitch

    VERSION 5.0.1 – 6 September 2017, minor update

    # Improved - AdAce AdSense format setting

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Lazy Load breaks Slider Revolution
    # Fixed - Lazy Load breaks embed provision
    # Fixed - AdAce escapes characters in the codes
    # Fixed - AdAce AdSense units not working correctly
    # Fixed - PhotoMix fatal error
    # Fixed - Auto load next post display issues
    # Fixed - Auto featured media for video format embeds not working
    # Fixed - Video format form not working when video items are disabled
    # Fixed - Images/GIF's from url overwrite issue

    VERSION 5.0 – 4 September 2017, major update

    # NEW - PhotoMix plugin
    # NEW - AdAce plugin (WP QUADS replacement)
    # NEW - Manage Image Sizes
    # NEW - Lazy Load Images
    # NEW - Lazy Load Embeds
    # NEW - Watermarks
    # NEW - Hotlink Protection
    # NEW - Auto Featured Images
    # NEW - Regenerate Thumbnails
    # NEW - Auto Load Next Post
    # NEW - Load and play embeds directly on archive view
    # NEW - Sponsored article
    # NEW - Video format
    # NEW - Audio format
    # NEW - Video list item
    # NEW - Audio list item
    # NEW - Text list item (now you can create text based list)
    # NEW - Embed.ly integration, 400+ social channels supported
    # NEW - Full control over each format (upload size, allowed mime types)
    # NEW - AMP for all Snax formats
    # NEW - Compatibility with most popular compressing services
    # NEW - Visual Composer upgraded to the latest version

    # Improved - Frontend UX
    # Improved - Admin UX
    # Improved - Performance

    # Fixed - CSS fixes
    # Fixed - Missing translations
    # Fixed - PHP notices
    # Fixed - Search Everything conflicts
    # Fixed - Minimal demo not working
    # Fixed - Injections setting not working for single categories
    # Fixed - bbPress display errors
    # Fixed - Missing microdata
    # Fixed - Guest reaction votes error
    # Fixed - Missing thumbnails on attachement pages
    # Fixed - Meme format not marked on backend post list
    # Fixed - Meme creation issues
    # Fixed - Broken call to action widget for plain permalinks

    Full changelog

    Compatible Browsers:
    Compatible WordPress Versions:
    Compatible Plugins:
    BuddyPress 2.5.x
    WooCommerce 2.6.x
    bbPress 2.5.x
    Visual Composer 4.12.x
    share buttons
    social sharing
    viral blog
    viral content
    viral lists
    viral magazine
    viral news
    viral theme


    PageSpeed Score

    A score calculated by Google Pagespeed Insights - testing various aspects against best practice.
    A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

    YSlow Score

    A score calculated by Yahoo - testing various aspects against best practice.
    A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

    Load Time

    Load time should be as fast as possible ( less than 3 seconds ) - every additional second will cost you visitors and google ranking.


    Try to keep the number of requests small ( less than 50 ) - combine files / remove plugins to reduce the number of requests.

    Page Size

    Page size should be as small as possible ( less than 3 MB ) - optimize images and minify files to reduce the page weight.

    Requests / Type
    Size / Type
    Time / State



    Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of these links we may receive a commission. We do not receive any money for positive reviews or positive performance tests.