  • 59
  • 5,579
  • 8 years ago
  • 232
  • 1,678
  • 6 years ago
The last update of this item was more than 1 year ago.
It will not be compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
  • 6.74s
    Page Load Time
  • 2.53 MB
    Total Page Size
  • 83
This item was not reviewed yet
Vote for review: 0
  • 49
  • 39


GDPR Complaint

The theme does not store any user data and hence no additional steps are required to make the theme GDPR complaint. However WooCommerce and WordPress store and manage user data. Both these plugins have released updated versions of their plugins that are GDPR complaint. Please update the theme, WooCommerce and WordPress to make your website GDPR complaint.

If you are using plugins other than WooCommerce and WordPress that may store data, please get in touch with those plugin developers about GDPR complaint versions of their plugins

Here is a checklist for you : https://gdprchecklist.io/

Before updating to 2.0

Please go through the documentation here. 2.0 is a major update and could cause potential issues. Please use a backup and rollback plugin before updating. We are happy to assist you with the upgrade, please do not hesitate to reach us via our support.

More Speed

Electro is a robust and flexible WordPress Electronics Store WooCommerce theme, built by the same team that developed MediaCenter – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme to help you make the most out of using WooCommerce to power your online store. The design is well suited for Electronics Store, vendor based marketplaces, affiliate websites. It is built and comes bundled with most of the advanced features available in most popular eCommerce websites like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, walmart, alibaba, aliexpress, etc. So if you are an amazon affiliate or want a multi-vendor marketplace for your niche market or a store owner, this theme is for you.

The theme is built on top of Underscores framework. The code is lean and extensible. This will allow developers to easily add functionality to your side via child theme and/or custom plugin(s).

It features deep integration with WooCommerce core plus several of the most popular extensions:

  • Visual Composer
  • Slider Revolution
  • YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
  • YITH WooCompare

Trial & Dummy Data

If you’d like to try out the theme before purchasing, please email our support and we’ll setup a trial website for you.

Please note that the demo has lot of images and it would take sometime to import all images. You need to have higher PHP execution time. However you can simply skip the images if you don’t want images. If your importer stops in the middle it is more like due to execution time out. In that case you will simply have to re-import it again ( don’t worry it will not duplicate ).

Electro Extensions

To take your stores to the next level we have bundled this theme with the Electro Extensions plugin which provides advanced features like :

  • Advanced Live Search
  • Youtube like Page loader
  • Advanced Vertical Menu
  • Megamenu Dropdown
  • Products Carousel
  • Products Cards Carousel
  • Product Deals
  • Advanced Reviews
  • Accessories Management
  • Advanced Product Specifications
  • Store Directory

Electro Documentation

You can view the Electro Documentation here : https://docs.madrasthemes.com/electro/.

Electro Help & Support

Generally the comments section is reserved for pre-sales questions and questions that does not require much technical help. For better response and management of support requests, you can simply create a new support request by contacting us via support

Please note that the comments section and support email are our only support channels. Please do not use Envato form to send support requests.

Vendor Management using Electro Theme

Electro is a WooCommerce theme and it supports all features of WooCommerce. Multi-vendor management is not a default feature of WooCommerce. However there are WooCommerce extensions like Dokan and WC Vendors ( all of them offer a free version ) allow you to extend WooCommerce into a multi-vendor platform. Electro supports the above mentioned plugins. So, yes you can build a multi-vendor website using Electro if you are familiar with the above plugins.

Having said that if there are any issues with Dokan or WC Vendors apart from UI issues, we cannot help fix it. This is because while the theme is compatible with these plugins, they are essentially third-party plugins and are not covered by our support policy. However if there is any UI issues like a broken form while using these plugins, we will help you fix it.

Electro Features


  • Easy Installation and Setup
  • Free Updates and one-to-one support
  • Comes with importable dummy data
  • Built on Bootstrap 4
  • Cross-browser compatible (Chrome/Firefox/IE)
  • Built with SASS – not included available on request
  • 6 Pre-defined header styles and option to customize headers
  • 9 Pre-defined color scheme and option to generate custom colors
  • 5 Different types of home pages
  • Responsive Megamenu
  • 11 Pre-built Pages
  • Supports various post formats and post thumbnails feature.
  • Includes 17 widgets
  • WPML Compatible
  • Youtube like page loader

WooCommerce Features

  • Advanced Products Live Search
  • 3 Different layouts for Single Product Pages.
  • Advanced Reviews
  • Advanced Specifications tab
  • Accessories for Products like in amazon
  • Catalog Mode available.
  • Shop Page Jumbotron.
  • Wishlist and Compare from YITH
  • Brands Carousel
  • Products Carousel
  • Ability to display products in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 columns
  • Custom Product Comparison page.

Blog Options

  • 3 Different types of layout : Classic, List View, Grid View
  • Choose from Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar or Full-width layouts
  • Enable placeholder images

Other Customization options

  • Integrated with Google Fonts
  • Can choose from FontAwesome icons
  • Integrated with Social Media
  • Can paste custom CSS easily.
  • Import/Export customization options

Demo Pages

Home & Static Pages
  • Home v1
  • Home v2
  • Home v3
  • Home v3.1
  • Home v4
  • Home v5
  • About
  • Contact v2
  • Contact v1
  • FAQ
  • Store Directory
  • Terms and Conditions
  • 404
Mobile Home
  • Mobile Home-v1
  • Mobile Home-v2
Shop Pages
  • Shop Grid
  • Shop Grid Extended
  • Shop List View
  • Shop List View Small
  • Shop Left Sidebar
  • Shop Full width
  • Shop Right Sidebar
Product Categories
  • 4 Column Sidebar
  • 5 Column Sidebar
  • 6 Column Full width
  • 7 Columns Full width
Single Product Pages
  • Single Product Extended
  • Single Product Fullwidth
  • Single Product Sidebar
WooCommerce Pages
  • Shop
  • Cart
  • Checkout
  • My Account
  • Track your Order
  • Compare
Blog Pages
  • Blog v1
  • Blog v3
  • Blog v2
  • Blog Full Width
  • Single Blog Post
Shop Columns
  • 7 Columns Full width
  • 6 Columns Full width
  • 5 Columns Sidebar
  • 4 Columns Sidebar
  • 3 Columns Sidebar

Release History

v2.0.9 – 2018-06-29
Fix : Added missing styles for custom color
Fix : Accessories display in mobile
Fix : Fixed an issue with shop jumbotron
Update : Updated Visual Composer to v5.5.2

v2.0.8 – 2018-06-25
Feature : Added headers v5, v6 for all page templates
Update : Updated JS Composer to v5.5.1
Update : Updated Slider Revolution to v5.4.8
Update : Remove the_content and replaced with do_shortcode in navwalker
Fix : Live search results z-index issue
Fix : Fixed an issue with onsale widget ID
Fix : Corrected header user account text

v2.0.7 – 2018-06-04

Feature : User account header added
Update : Filters added for enable dropdown
Fix : Accessories catalog mode, price check added
Fix : Blog pagination issue fixed
Fix : Price filter style fixes

v2.0.6 – 2018-05-24

Feature : Theme options added for make light background in handheld footer
Feature : Header v5, v6 title option added
Update : WPML options config updated
Fix : Mobile headers breakpoint issue fixed
Fix : Deals and tabs block style issue fixed
Fix : Dokan shipping modal issue fixed
Fix : Deals block arrow issue fixed
Fix : Cart coupon style issue fixed
Fix : Live search typo issue fixed

v2.0.5 – 2018-05-03

Featue : List view in moble
Feature : Options to manage handheld header
Fix : Fixed a CSS issue with product cards
Fix : Fixed a CSS issue with nav-title
Fix : Live search z-index issue
Update : Header v5 header spacing
Update : Products carousel section margin and padding
Update : Additional classes for vc ad blocks
Update : Deals and Tabs block columns
Update : Updated revslider to

v2.0.4 – 2018-04-27

Fix : Fixed issues in IE11 and Firefox
Fix : Fixed an issue with header search
Fix : Fixed an issue with off-canvas menu
Fix : Fixed an issue with deals and tabs block
Fix : Fixed an issue with footer bottom widgets
Fix : Fixed color issues on header and mobile header

v2.0.3 – 2018-04-25

Feature : Theme options added for make light background in handheld header
Fix : Fixed an issue with off-canvas animation in firefox
Fix : Fixed an issue with header v5 sticky
Fix : WPML config updated for theme options
Fix : Layout issue fixed in page template left
Fix : Fixed issues in cart and checkout
Fix : Fixed style issues in mobile view
Fix : WhatsApp icon disabled by default

v2.0.2 – 2018-04-22

Feature : Theme options added to upload logo for handheld header and footer
Feature : Theme options added to disable off canvas menu in desktop
Fix : Fixed an issue with footer widgets

v2.0.1 – 2018-04-20

Fix : Fixed text color issue when using dark primary colors
Fix : Fixed an issue with header logo
Fix : Fixed an issue with footer payemnt images
Fix : Fixed an issue with menu dropdown in firefox

v2.0.0 – 2018-04-20

Whats new in 2.0? - https://docs.madrasthemes.com/electro/topics/getting-started/whats-new-in-2-0

v1.4.21 – 2018-03-14

Feature : Improvements to One-click demo - now sliders included in import, cleared transients, text widgets update
Fix : Fixed an issue with mobile tabs in single product page
Fix : Fixed an issue with payment method label
Fix : Fixed an issue with no-breadcrumb pages
Update : Updated Slider Revolution to v5.4.7.1
Update : Updated Visual Composer to v5.4.7

v1.4.20 – 2018-02-07

Update : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.1

v1.4.18 & v1.4.19 – 2018-02-03

Fix : CSS issues related to submit buttons
Fix : Footer widgets toggle option
Update : Default before register and login text option
Update : Changed the minimum requirement of WooCommerce
Update : Updated revslider to v5.4.7

v1.4.17 – 2018-02-02

Fix : CSS issues related to WooCommerce 3.3.0

v1.4.16 – 2018-02-01

Fix : WooCommerce 3.3.0 compatibility issues fixed

v1.4.14 & v1.4.15 – 2018-01-31

Feature : More theme options for footer, shop, header and blog
Feature : Improvements to One-click demo import
Update : WooCommerce 3.3.0 compatible
Update : Updated WPBPage Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) and Slider Revolution
Update : Updated dummy-data.xml
Update : Checkout and Cart pages order review block updated
Fix : Issues with post-formats gallery
Fix : An issue related to accessories and variations
Fix : Compatibility issues with WPML
Fix : Issue with electro_store_directory

v1.4.13 – 2018-01-08

Update : Grouped product styling fix
Update : Updated dummy data with same data as demo
Fix : Fixed RTL search bar issue onload lag
Fix : Fixed an issue with cards carousel

v1.4.12 – 2017-12-01

Feature : Flex display for header
Feature : Navigation menus for footer handheld bar
Feature : Secondary navigation trigger dropdown option
Feature : Tooltip for cart buttons
Update : Visual Composer updated to 5.4.5
Update : Revolution Slider updated to
Update : Removed deprecated SASS calls
Fix : Megamenu in secondary navigation
Fix : Missing column-1 for products

v1.4.11 – 2017-11-23

Update : Visual Composer updated to 5.4.4
Update : Revolution Slider updated to
Update : Megamenu animation updated
Fix : Products query transiant name conflict
Fix : Products SC columns 5 and 6 style issue fixed

v1.4.10 – 2017-11-17

Feature : YITH Badge Management compatibility added
Updated : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.4
Fix : WPML menu item title issue fixed

v1.4.9 – 2017-11-10

Fix : Sale products shortcode ids issue fixed

v1.4.8 – 2017-11-08

Feature : Compatible with Menu Image plugin
Feature : Show top bar in mobile
Fix : Responsive Issues with WPML

v1.4.7 – 2017-11-06

Updated : Visual Composer to 5.4.2
Updated : Revolution Slider to
Updated : Single product gallery carousel option added
Fix : WooCommerce 3.2.0 compatibility issues fixed
Fix : Single product gallery issues
Fix : Dokan dashboard style issues
Fix : Yith ajax filter issues

v1.4.6 – 2017-10-12

Feature : Homepage templates can change headers
Feature : homepage content's execution priority can be changed
Feature : Compatible with YITH Ajax filters
Feature : Compatible with WooCommerce Simple Auctions
Feature : Compatible with WooCommerce Extra Product Options
Updated : Dokan - Specifications tab
Updated : WPML config
Updated : Compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.0
Updated : Visual Composer to 5.3
Updated : Revolution Slider to
Updated : Filters for wishlist, compare icons
Updated : Action buttons uses flex now
Fix : Home v3 products carousel columns
Fix : CSS issues with header navbar with sticky header
Fix : Page notices Cookie not defined issue
Fix : ScrollTo with sticky issue
Fix : Secondary nav dropdown issues

v1.4.5 – 2017-08-30

Page margin for no-breadcrumb
Compatibility with auto category thumbnails
Added Specification tab to Dokan
Issue with multilevel dropdown close fixed
Page margin on site-wide notice dismissed issue fixed

v1.4.4 – 2017-08-25

Replace price-add-to-cart with flex fixing issues related to overflow
Replace hover action area with flex fixing issues with wrapping
Compatibility for WooCommerce Extra Options

v1.4.3 – 2017-08-21

Updated Fontawesome library
Fixed minor issues with single product page
Fixed stretch issue with catalog images
Option to add Telegram in social icons

v1.4.2 – 2017-08-15

Updated Slider Revolution
Fixed an issue with "out-of-stock" products button

v1.4.1 – 2017-08-04

Updated TGMPA requirements
Updated Visual Composer
Home page option meta values serialized
Live search issues fixed
Dummy data updated

v1.4.0 – 2017-07-21

Updated theme description and links
Additional filters for accessories
Shop list view style issues fixed
Department menu animation issue fixed
Home Page Option tabs filter issue fixed
One Click demo import feature added
Added compatibility for WooCommerce Brands
Added compatibility for WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro
Fixed CSS issues related to .inline class, comments URL field and admin plugins

v1.3.9 – 2017-07-07

Updated TGMPA requirements
Updated Visual Composer
Page metabox get value issue fixed
TGMPA Warning: sprintf() issue fixed
Home 6-1 products block gallery issue fixed

v1.3.8 – 2017-07-03

Updated TGMPA requirements
Revolution Slider updated
Add to cart ajax script issue fixed
Variation stock availability issues fixed
Page metabox get value issue fixed

v1.3.7 – 2017-05-05

Single product gallery carousel added
Live search js issue fixed

v1.3.6 – 2017-05-02

Revolution Slider updated
Updated TGMPA requirements
Visual Composer flexslider updated
Accessories price error fixed
6-1 gallery thumb limit added
Live search issue fixed

v1.3.5 – 2017-04-21

Updated TGMPA requirements
Quantity input template updated
Attributes notice issue fixed
Navbar search radius issue fixed
Terms Shortcode parent check added
Fix for polylang lang switcher issue
Review count check added
Variation stock availability issue fixed
Accessories tax price issue fixed

v1.3.4 – 2017-04-10

Accessories add products issue fixed

v1.3.3 – 2017-04-07

Updated Visual Composer
Home v1 deals block title issue fixed

v1.3.2 – 2017-04-06

Categories archive title issue fixed
Related Product title issue fixed
Checkout page select issue fixed

v1.3.1 – 2017-04-05

WooCommerce 3.0.0 support

v1.3.0 – 2017-04-05

Updated TGMPA requirements
WooCommerce 3.0.0 support
Blog layout issue fixed

v1.2.18 – 2017-03-20

Updated TGMPA requirements
Updated Visual Composer
Revolution Slider updated
Navbar style issues fixed
Variation availability issue fixed
Redux static content options limit issue fixed
6-1 gallery lightbox issue fixed

v1.2.17 – 2017-02-27

Added a blank page template
Added jumbotron for brands page
Fixed an issue with the related products in sm-md screen
Fixed an issue with handheld header
Sitewide notice style
Flex for search and categories dropdown
Data attributes for owl carousel in home v1

v1.2.16 – 2017-02-15

WPML 3.6.x compatibility added

v1.2.15 – 2017-02-14

WPML currency switcher issue fixed

v1.2.14 – 2017-02-08

Made 404 full-width
Fixed a z-index issue with top bar dropdown
Fixed an issue with visual composer category slug order

v1.2.13 – 2017-02-07

Fixed an issue with compare default placeholder
Waypoint bug fixed

v1.2.12 – 2017-01-24

* Progress bar issues fixed

v1.2.11 – 2017-01-19

Submenus and Megamenus added for secondary navigation
Catalog mode issue with wishlist page fixed
VC Product List Categories element column issue fixed
Product taxonomies layout issue fixed
Deal timer safari issue fixed
Progress bar overflow issue fixed

v1.2.10 – 2017-01-04

Departments menu megamenu issue fixed
WC star rating icon issue fixed
Deal timer gmt offset issue fixed

v1.2.9 – 2016-12-20

Updated TGMPA requirements
Revolution Slider updated
Fixed an issue in ads block
Dokan modal issue fixed
Dokan style issues fixed
Dummy sliders updated

v1.2.8 – 2016-12-11

WooCommerce 2.6.9 and WP 2.7 compatibility check
Visual Composer updated
Revolution Slider updated
Page Sidebars added
Mobile menu RTL fixed
Issues with text color fixed

v1.2.7 – 2016-11-22

SSL Compatibility with redux images quick fix

v1.2.6 – 2016-11-22

Fixed an issue with Blog posts structured data
SSL compatibility with redux images

v1.2.5 – 2016-11-21

Fixed a JS conflict issue

v1.2.4 – 2016-11-18

Fixed catalog mode issues with mobile footer
Fixed full width video background for Visual Composer
Specification tab default value
Navwalker issue fixed

v1.2.3 – 2016-11-11

Fixed issues with mobile header
Updated Visual Composer
Fixed issues with WPML compatibility
Fixed issues with mobile footer

v1.2.2 – 2016-10-07

Updated TGMPA requirements
Navbar search line hight issue fixed
Fixed an issue with home page options
Accessories select query changes
More options added in VC Tabs element

v1.2.1 – 2016-09-20

Brands image upload issue fixed
Product excerpt issues fixed
Handheld Menu Tablet issues fixed
Sticky added for Handheld Menu Toggle

v1.2 – 2016-09-16

Updated Visual Composer
Updated TGMPA requirements
Product excerpt issues fixed
Handheld Menu added
Mobile header layout changed

v1.1.12 – 2016-09-07

Fix for external products link icon
Team member link added
Department menu issues fixed
Issues with ad blocker in Ads element fixed

v1.1.11 – 2016-08-25

Updated TGMPA requirements
Fix for menu dropdown issue in mobile
Onsale VC elements product choice option added
Desaturation option for brand images

v1.1.10 – 2016-08-03

Mobile issue with Departments and vertical menu
Filters for footer carousel
Media Gallery admin panel issue
Typeahead options

v1.1.9 – 2016-07-26

Icons in Departments menu and navigation menu
Visual Bug fixes
Visual Composer elements update
Added missing translations
Dokan compatibility issue fix
Additions to On-Sale carousel widget
JSON Structured data for SEO

v1.1.8 – 2016-07-07

WP Nav Roles compatibility
Live search issue fixed

v1.1.7 – 2016-07-04

Added grey color to pre-defined color
Ability to filter and choose header search category dropdown
Clearfix for icon class
Second-leve menu for vertical and departments menu
Compare link update with script fixed
Updated Revslider
Missing % in savings text
Option to choose navigation trigger
z-index issues
Countdown timer in carousel issue fixed
WPML Language and Currency Switcher
YITH Ajax navigation compatibility
Option to load child theme
VC RTL Full width

v1.1.6 – 2016-06-28

Fixed an issue with Russian Ruble
Accessories tab issues fix
Single Product Carousel fix
Wishlist Compatibility
Styled Product Categories widget in Footer

v1.1.5 – 2016-06-24

Redesigned checkout page
Fixed an issue with carousel products
Sticky menu feature now available
Compatibility for YITH Zoom Magnifier

v1.1.4 – 2016-06-15

WooCommerce 2.6 Compatibility
Updated Revslider
Fixed an issue with single product page header
Accessories tab for WC 2.6
Related Products Options
Product archive view options
Issue with single blog post layout fixed
Fixed an issue with subcategory layout

v1.1.3 – 2016-06-14

WooCommerce 2.6 Compatibility
Added additional header options to modify menu titles, placeholders and toggle topbar
Added WPML config file
Fixed an error with products per page

v1.1.2 – 2016-06-08

We have changed way users add custom primary color because its 2016 !
Fixed an issue with shop header
Updated Visual Composer

v1.1.1 – 2016-06-07

Added Footer option to enable/disable blocks
Users can now specify number of brands in Electro Options
Fix to Wishlist and Compare not working in carousel
Allow Electro Terms visual composer element to link parent
Fixed an issue with Electro Header v4

v1.1.0 – 2016-06-02

Updated Revolution Slider
Updated TGMPA requirements
TGMPA class updated
Home page metabox checkboxe issue fixed
Visual Composer elemets issues fixed
Deals block enable/disable option added for Home v1
Terms shortcode added
Dokan Lite integration addedal Release

v1.0.0 – 2016-05-27

Initial Release

Compatible Browsers:
Compatible WordPress Versions:
Compatible Plugins:
WooCommerce 3.2.x
Visual Composer 5.1.x
Bootstrap 4.x
amazon affiliate
amazon like
Electronic store
electronics theme
flipkart like
multi vendor
vertical menu


PageSpeed Score

A score calculated by Google Pagespeed Insights - testing various aspects against best practice.
A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

YSlow Score

A score calculated by Yahoo - testing various aspects against best practice.
A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

Load Time

Load time should be as fast as possible ( less than 3 seconds ) - every additional second will cost you visitors and google ranking.


Try to keep the number of requests small ( less than 50 ) - combine files / remove plugins to reduce the number of requests.

Page Size

Page size should be as small as possible ( less than 3 MB ) - optimize images and minify files to reduce the page weight.

Requests / Type
Size / Type
Time / State



Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of these links we may receive a commission. We do not receive any money for positive reviews or positive performance tests.