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Version: 4.4.5, Fully Compatible with GDPR and Woo 3.4.x! | Changelog

Porto | Responsive Wordpress + eCommerce
Porto | Responsive Wordpress + eCommerce
Porto | Responsive Wordpress + eCommerce

Porto is an Responsive Wordpress + eCommerce Theme that is extremely customizable, easy to use and fully responsive. Suitable for every type of business, portfolio, blog and ecommerce sites. Great as a starting point for your custom projects. Porto includes 30 homepage layouts and skins and it has huge variation to be suitable for any purpose. More amazing features are coming soon!

Main Features

  • Multipurpose design
  • WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved
  • Child Theme Ready
  • Bunch of Useful Demos – Construction, Hotel, Restaurant, Law Firm, Digital Agency, Medical, Real-Estate, APP Landing, Resume etc
  • Plenty of Widgets
  • Multiple Page Styles
  • Powerful Speed Optimization Tool
  • Visual Composer is highly optimized
  • One Page template
  • Social Sharing Features
  • 33+ custom elements for Visual Composer (banners, carousels, tabs, toggles, accordions, buttons, quotes, table, alert boxes, tables, lists, forms, icons, glyphicons, progress bar, pricing tables, dropcaps, team members, call to action boxes, columns, etc)
  • SEO Optimized (Rich snippets for breadcrumbs and reviews are built-in)
  • Responsive Design
  • Unlimited Colors & Layouts
  • WooCommerce Compatible
  • Wishlist, Ajax Search, Filtering & Sorting
  • WPML Support
  • RTL Ready
  • FAST Support & Updates
  • Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge)
  • Valid HTML5 code
  • 30 + unique homepage layouts: More amazing concepts are coming soon!
  • 6 extra layouts of the slider area: Text and Form, Static image, Single Video;
  • Mega menu and 3-level drop-down menu;
  • 20+ different headers
  • 5 different breadcrumbs
  • 4 different portfolio types (total 19 pages)
  • 4different blog types (total 6 pages)
  • Grid / List view
  • Shop pages
  • Ajax filtering in shop and product archive pages
  • Revolution Slider ($19 value) plugin
  • Visual Composer ($34 value)
  • Woocommerce Catalog Mode
  • Powerful Page options
  • Elegant animations
  • 3 different contact page layouts
  • Install Demo content with One-Click
  • Wide / Full / Boxed Layout
  • Typography page
  • Switch on/off sticky header option
  • Additional pages: About, Services, Team, Process, Careers, FAQ, 404 page, Sitemap, Contact us, etc.
  • Lightbox
  • Share icons on project and product pages
  • Contact and newsletter forms
  • Twitter Feed Widget
  • Google web fonts
  • Custom Font Control
  • Documentation ? step by step
  • Compatible with Wordpress SEO plugin
  • Compatible with WP Cache plugins such as WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache plugins
  • Compatible with Mailpoet newsletter plugin
  • Compatible with Revolution Slider plugin
  • Compatible with BBPress, BuddyPress plugins
  • Compatible with Better Wordpress Minify plugin
  • Compatible with Nav Menu Roles plugin
  • Compatible with Woocommerce Product Filter plugin
  • Compatible with Post Views Counter plugin
  • Compatible with GeoDirectory plugin
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual plugin
  • Compatible with YITH WooCommerce
    Wishlist plugin
  • Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search plugin
  • Compatible with YITH
    WooCommerce Badge Management plugin
  • Compatible with WPML plugin
  • Compatible with Polylang plugin
  • Compatible with qTranslate X plugin
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin
  • And much much more?

Update History

Version 4.4.5 (6.25.2018)

- Updated visual composer to the latest version(5.5)
- Updated woocommerce to the latest version(4.4.2)
- Fixed style issues when editing page using visual composer front end editor
- Fixed variable product description and price issue when using same prices
- Fixed an issue of lazy load images on carousel
- Fixed an date style issue in woocommerce blog page

Version 4.4.4 (6.08.2018)

- Fixed product_page woocommerce shortcode issue
- Fixed product extend layout style issue
- Fixed shop demo 10' search box style issue on Firefox
- Updated revolution slider plugin to the latest version(

Version (5.31.2018)

- GDPR Ready!
- Fixed style issue of woocommerce cart page in woocommerce 3.4
- Fixed price style issue of some product layouts in woocommerce 3.4
- Fixed variable product price issue when using same prices
- Fixed clear link issue of variable product which have many variations

Version 4.4.3 (5.29.2018)

- Updated woocommece files to the latest version (3.4)
- Fixed home page style issue of hotel demo after importing
- Fixed header social icon style issue when using child theme

Version 4.4.2 (5.22.2018)

- Fixed sticky sidebar issue
- Fixed boxed layout style issue
- Fixed custom attribute issue in variable product
- Fixed demo importer issue when import demos multiple times
- Fixed law-firm style issue after importing demo

Version 4.4.1 (5.18.2018)

-Fixed RTL issue in mobile responsive mode
- Fixed search box style issue on Safari and IE
- Fixed header style issue of shop 1 and shop 2 demo on small display ( between 991px and 1200px)
- Updated theme activation
- Updated setup wizard, you can now go to any steps without passing previous steps
- Updated minor admin panel organization, in headers
- Added description text for lazyload option of porto interactive banner shortcode in backend
- Added stock status in product detail page
- Removed Demo Import, Plugins page in Porto panels, you can use those features through Setup Wizard

Version 4.4.0 (5.15.2018)

- Added theme setup wizard
- Added theme license activation
- Added "alt" tag for all images in the theme
- Added "Minify CSS" option in Theme options -> Speed Optimize
- Added "Select Visual Composer shortcodes to remove" option in Theme Options -> Speed Optimize to remove unnecessary vc shortcodes
This will reduce around 150~200KB of js/css load
- Updated js files' structure to seperate shop related js files. You will not use shop related features unless you enable woocommerce
- Added an option to use lazyload feature for all images. You can use it inside Theme Options -> Speed Optimize
- Updated newsletter form to use contact form7 plugin in demo sites. But Porto is still compatible with MailPoet newsletter plugin. You can just install it to use same as before
- Updated RTL compatibility for all shop demos
- Updated porto functionality plugin
- Updated sticky sidebar function
- Updated demo importer engine
- Updated languages po files
- Updated documentation
- Updated Porto Admin Options performance, much faster than before
- Removed codemirror js in the backend pages, this will reduce around 400KB of some page loads.
- Removed "Minfiy CSS" option in Skin and Skin -> Layout and in Theme options
- Removed sticky sidebar options for individual pages
- Fixed Revslider import issue for business consulting demo
- Fixed style issue of porto timeline shortcode

Version 4.3.1 (5.1.2018)

- Fixed header contact style issue of coporate3 demo
- Fixed "Days" translation issue of daily deal product on shop pages
- Fixed woocommerce product attribute issue when adding color attribute
- Fixed widget style issue on sidebar of woocommerce pages
- Fixed an issue of product list mode of shop 8
- Fixed product_page shortcode
- Fixed an issue of row element which has divider icon and parallax image
- Updated backend demo import page to show message for alternative import mode
- Updated visual composer plugin to 5.4.7

Version 4.3.0 (4.18.2018)

- Added Real Estate demo
- Added "woocommerce post layout" in blog and single post of theme options to use updated blog page style for shop demo's blog pages
- Added "simple layout" in post->post carousel of theme options
- Added shop horiontal filters for shop archive pages
- Added infinite scroll for shop pages
- Added 'portfolio-thumbnail' image size
- Added phone number field in member
- Added excerpt and custom fields in portfolio
- Added a theme option to show content section of related portfolios
- Added image size in porto carousel item shortcode
- Added "lazyload images" option in Speed Optimize of theme options
- Added an admin function to display error message when there is file permission issues in theme css directories
- Added "image size" field for product images shortcodes
- Added new product style for sale products which have end time
- Added "shop product columns on mobile" option in theme options
- Updated loading icon in infinite scroll
- Updated mega menu style
- Updated importer engine
added standard importer engine to increase importing speed
fixed issues which occur when importing more than 1 demos
- Updated product ajax search to remove old products after ajax loading
- Updated: used same sidebar in both of mobile and display
- Updated loading overlay icon
- Updated a "variation selection mode" option in "Woocommerce->Single Product" to "select box" by default
- Fixed an issue which woocommerce related products count not working
- Fixed app landing home page which only center part was displayed at first
- Fixed breadcrumb style issue in tag pages
- Fixed col-half-section style issue on tablet
- Fixed: removed duplicated product id and sku in add to cart button in shop archive pages
- Fixed the issue that "show nav on hover" option was not working on post type carousels
- Fixed an error that parallax which has carousel in it was not working
- Fixed button style issue in ABOUT THE EVENT section of Event demo
- Fixed loading icon issue in add to wishlist button
- Fixed an issue which product name was not displaying well on woocommerce variable product button mode
- Fixed a style issue of shop products list view on mobile browsers
- Fixed an issue which shipping calculator not working on cart page
- Fixed rtl issue on shop archive page
- Fixed woocommerce ajax product attribute filter issue when it is dispayed as dropdown
- Fixed woocommerce product border issue on single product page
- Fixed sidebar position issue when updating from 3.x to 4.x version
- Removed "tabs type " option in single product
- Removed "tabs style " option in single product
- Removed "Page Sub Title" option in Portfolio->Portfolio Archives

Version 4.2.0 (2.22.2018)

- Updated shop demo 3, 9, 10, 11 and 12
- Updated woocommerce files to be compatible with 3.3.1
- Updated woocmmerce template files which were displayed in a line
- Fixed font subset issue in theme options
- Fixed bootstrap grid issue on Safari browser
- Added search bar on mobile
- Fixed image size issue of related posts shortcode
- Fixed font weight issue of porto counter shortcode
- Fixed breadcrumb container width issue on wide layout
- Fixed an issue in including visual composer css file
- Fixed mini cart scrollbar issue on Firefox

Version 4.1.5 (2.2.2018)

-Updated demo shop 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and 16
- Updated woocommerce files to latest version 3.3.0
- Updated porto functionality plugin to 1.0.4
- Updated container max width theme option to input any screen width
- Updated porto interactive banner shortcode
- Updated header 8 to add header contact information
- Added lazyload function in porto interactive banner shortcode
- Added theme options to select fonts for paragraph, footer and footer heading under Skin->Typography.
- Added product columns on mobile in theme options
- Added a theme option to check to display border on product images
- Added 'porto-standable-carousel' css class to display porto carousel to be displayed on page load
- Added variation display mode in theme options
wrap functions in function_exists condition in /inc/functions/post.php
- Fixed shop products style issue on mobile
- Fixed shop quick view on mobile
- Fixed search box issue
- Fixed star rating style issue on several product styles
- Fixed quick view and wishlist icon issue on IE browser
- Fixed cross-sell style issue

Version 4.1.4 (1.15.2018)

- Fixed font url issue from 4.1 version
- Fixed Navigation Tabs shortcode style issue on mobile
- Fixed shop products columns issue on mobile

Version 4.1.3 (1.11.2018)

- Fixed "display:flex" does not work in safari, IE 10 issue.

Version 4.1.2 (1.04.2018)

- Fixed the issue which custom font was not working in porto functionality plugin
- Fixed visual composer row element which has container and didn't work well on mobile
- Fixed star rating style issue
- Updated theme option name of custom fonts so you should select custom fonts again in theme options if you used them
- Added border to product slider image in product single page

Version 4.1.1 (12.28.2017)

- Fixed the issue which custom font was not working
- Fixed searchform style issue on large mobile
- Fixed member page column issue on mobile
- Fixed portfolios column issue on mobile
- Fixed products column issue on mobile
- Fixed the rtl version compile function
- Fixed an issue which mini cart didn't work on iPhone

Version 4.1.0 (12.25.2017)

- Added Theme Optimzation section in theme options which is to include optimized css/js files of used plugins such as bootstrap, visual composer, font awesome and revolution slider to increase page speed
- Added a theme option to remove revslider js in the page which hasn't it
- Added compatible plugin section in demo installation page
- Added a page option to check to display product hover image
- Added a page option to display sidebar in navigation on mobile
- Updated backend porto panel
- Updated demo installation section to import revolution sliders too
- Updated documentation
- Updated bootstrap to version 4
- Updated Porto functionality plugin to be compatible with bootstrap 4
- Removed Default css compilation section in theme options
- Fixed an error which some visual composer elements were not searched.
- Fixed an issue of portfolio ajax popup and ajax modal
- Fixed minor style issues in digita agency work page
- Fixed an image loading issue in Portfolio->Full Images page
- Fixed tabs shortcode style issue
- Fixed portfolio ajax pagination

Version 4.0.5 (11.14.2017)

- Fixed an issue of mobile toggle icon width
- Fixed fontawesome icon display issue on page loading
- Added mobile sidebar menu option in theme options page

Version 4.0.4 (11.6.2017)

- Fixed importer issue(shortcodes page import issue)
- Fixed interactive banner shortcode to work with url link well
- Fixed gym Home page >> "Our Facility" on "Porto carousel" button "LEARN MORE" don't have link
- Fixed photography3 sidebar menu 3rd level
- Fixed photography1 import issue
- Updated porto preview image shortcode
- Updated image lazy load to jQuery lazyload plugin

Version 4.0.3 (11.3.2017)

- Fixed the position of newsletter submit button in rtl version
- Fixed minicart triangle icon position on sticky header in shop5
- Added mobile menu options in theme options
- Added mobile menu style option in theme options
- Added "columns on mobile" option to woocommerce products shortcodes
- Added fullscreen option to porto carousel shortcode
- Added products-slider-title css class to woo products slider shortcodes to fix the position of nav butons
- Added gmap api key option in theme options
- Added envato toolkit plugin
- Updated mobile menu for all demos
- Updated mobile reponsibility of shop demos 1 ~ 6, ready for any mobile resolution
- Updated homepage revslider to owl carousel in shop1, shop5, shop6 demo
- Updated Visual Composer to latest version
- Updated Woocommerce to latest version
- Updated for Envato Toolkit plugin
- Removed mobile sidebar option in theme options
- Removed hover effect on language selector in shop5

Version 4.0.2 (10.11.2017)

- Fixed: warning of porto functionality plugin
- Fixed: an issue which portfolio image thumbnail's resize icon was not working
- Fixed: an issue of category selection in Porto Product Category VC element
- Updated: Porto Recent Portfolio Widget
- Updated: porto plugins page to display more plugins fully compatible with Porto in backend
- Added: error message if porto content types, porto shortcodes and porto widgets plugins are activated in backend
- Added: "override existing contents" options in demo importer.
If you check this options before importing, this will remove duplicated posts(posts, pages, attachments, etc) which has same IDs and import new posts so that your new demo import can show correct content.

Version 4.0.1 (10.6.2017)

- Added: compatibility with woocommerce 3.2
- Fixed: warning issue appears on Porto Functionality plugin
- Fixed: page breaking issue on Demo 7
- Fixed: page breaking issue on Demo 13

Version 4.0 (10.1.2017)

- Added a theme option to display only portfolio images without text section in portfolio archive pages
- Added a theme option to display language and currency converter html section if there isn't any converter
- Removed theme activation
- Added: necessary shortcodes to replace Visual Composer Ultimate AddOn feature
porto_icon: displays a custom icon
porto_ultimate_heading: advanced heading styles
porto_info_box: adds icon box with custom font icon and text contents
porto_stat_counter: awesome counter
porto_buttons: advanced buttons with custom dynamic styles
porto_ultimate_content_box: advanced content box
porto_google_map: displays Google Maps to indicate your location
porto_icons: container of porto icons
porto_single_icon: adds a set of multiple icons and gives some custom style
porto_countdown: countdown Timer
porto_ultimate_carousel: advanced carousel
porto_fancytext: rotates texts with animation effectss
porto_modal: adds bootstrap modal box in your content
porto_carousel_logo: logo carousel
porto_info_list: displays information list with icon and text
porto_interactive_banners: displays the banner image with Information
- Updated: Merged 3 Porto plugins "Porto Shortcodes", "Porto Widget", "Porto Content Types" into "Porto Functionality"
- Updated: Removed Visual Composer Ultimate AddOn, but we still provide latest version of this plugin for old version users
- Updated: Removed Theme license code activation feature
- Updated: Visual Composer plugin to latest version
- Updated: Revolution Slider Plugin to latest version
- Updated: Replaced some carousels by OWL slider plugin instead of VC addon's shortcodes
- Updated: Included latest version of Visual Composer Ultimate AddOn plugin inside theme package for old version users
- Updated: Highly optimized Visual composer and Revolution Slider plugin's js and css files
- Updated: Improved theme installation engine - much faster and works fine on any level of hosting server even on shared hostings
- Updated: Improved all demo designs, much clean and beautiful than previous version
- Updated: documentation
- Fixed: issue on installation process, (blog pages were unable to be selected and category count was not refreshed"
- Fixed: Fixed and improved feature of post like
- Fixed: issue that occurs when try to update fields for portfolio grid item short code
- Fixed: select box style issue in theme options page
- Fixed: post like function was not working correctly
- Fixed: portfolio grid item shortcode issue
- Fixed: after importing demo data, blog page was not specified
- Fixed: after importing demo data, the post count in the category was 0

Version 3.6.4 (7.6.2017)

- Updated Woocommerce 3.1.0 Compatibility
- Updated YITH Ajax Search Plugin Compatibility
- Minor bugs and fixes

Version 3.6.3 (6.4.2017)

- Added: New demo: Shop 15 (Preview at http://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/shop15/ )
- Added: New demo: Shop 16 (Preview at http://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/shop16/ )
- Update: Shop 6 (Preview at http://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/demo-shop-6/ )
- Update: Shop 8 (Preview at http://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/demo-shop-8/)
- Update: Shop 10 (Preview at http://www.portotheme.com/wordpress/porto/shop10/)
- Update: Porto Shortcodes 1.6.8;
- Update: Revolution slider plugin (;
- Improvement: Documentation;
- Improvement: Theme Registration feature;
- Improvement: RTL Compatibility;
- Compatibility: Woo commerce 3.0.7;
- Fixed: Porto Light box VC element bug;
- Fixed: Wish list icon bug;
- Fixed: multiple h1 tag issue;
- Fixed: Porto image frame VC element bug;

Version 3.6.2 (5.11.2017)

- Added Show Sub categories option for search
- Added Compatibility with Gravity form plugin
- Added Float left/right option for page social share.
- Added option to set Header type Side position to left/ right.
- Compatible with woo commerce 3.0.6
- Update Ultimate addons for VC plugin
- Updated Porto Shortcodes 1.6.7
- Updated Documentation
- Fixed Cart version 1 proceed to checkout translation issue.
- Fixed Porto Event VC element Bug.

Version 3.6.1 (4.30.2017)

- Added Shop13 Demo
- Added Shop14 Demo
- Added Purchase code activation Feature
- Compatible with woo commerce 3.0.5
- Fixed RTL issues
- Fixed mini cart show/hide in sticky menu issue

Version 3.6.0 (4.19.2017)

- Added App Landing Demo
- Updated Shop5 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Shop6 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Shop7 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Shop8 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Shop9 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer
- Fixed VC column gap bug
- Fixed Blog Archive link bug

Version 3.5.5 (4.16.2017)

- Compatible with woo commerce 3.0.3
- Fixed minor issues

Version 3.5.4 (4.12.2017)

- Compatible with woo commerce 3.0.1
- Fixed minor issues
- Updated Visual Composer plugin.

Version 3.5.2 (4.5.2017)

- Added One Page Agency Demo
- Updated Shop2 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Shop4 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Shop6 Demo Skin and style
- Updated Ultimate Adds on for Visual composer
- Added NEW Breadcrumb Style
- Added New Product Styles
- Added Turkish language files
- Fixed Porto Featured box VC element bug
- Fixed VC Separator color Settings bug
- Fixed Porto Product Attribute VC Element Bug

Version 3.5.1 (3.14.2017)

- Added Church Demo
- Added Finance Demo
- Added Porto Events VC element
- Added Events Custom Post Type
- Added Like Feature for blog posts inner page
- Added large alt single post layout
- Added Display role of member option in Type3 style
- Fixed Breadcrumb bug
- Fixed Large alt blog layout bug
- Updated Visual Composer plugin.

Version 3.5.0 (2.22.2017)

+ Added Gym Demo
+ Added Business Consulting Demo
+ Added WC Vendor Compatibility
+ Added Event Demo
+ Added Resume Demo
+ Added New VC element “Porto Schedule Timeline”
+ Added Experience Timeline in “Porto Experience Timeline”
+ Added new VC element “Floating Menu(Left)”
+ Added Hover Effect (Zoom/No Zoom) for Member
+ Added New Testimonials Style
+ Added Text editor Font size option
+ Added new social icon layout for Member Page and Single Member
+ Added new Blog and post layout option
+ Added Like Feature for blog posts
- Fixed Porto Product Category Element Bug.
- Fixed Advanced carousal dots coloring bug
- Fixed Bug in porto-shortcodes plugin
- Fixed YITH Wishlist sharing Bug
- Updated Language files
- Updated embedded plugins' version to latest one.

Version 3.4 (1.19.2017)

+ Added 3 new Photography demos
+ Added new eCommerce demos: Shop11 and Shop12
+ Added New Header Type 18
+ Added Register form page style 2
+ Added Shopping Cart page design 2
+ Added Checkout page style 2
+ Added new Social share style for Blog and Posts
+ Added Portfolio Categories VC Element with Stripes and Parallax layout
+ Added New Hover effects
+ Added Option to select your own Category image for each Portfolio category
+ Added Parallax banner Option for Single Portfolio page
+ Added Image Counters Options for portfolios and Featured images
+ Added Thumb slider option for Ajax on page
+ Added Functionality of image light box with thumbs for portfolios
+ Added Member page layout option control from Theme Options
- Fixed Theme Options panel Import/export issue
- Fixed Portfolio layout issue (Medium/Large)
- Fixed Porto Product category
- limited categories issue
- Fixed Porto Lightbox VC Element issue

Version 3.3.3 (12.13.2016)

+ Updated revolution slider plugin.
- Fixed sidebar generator security vulnerability issue.

Version 3.3.2 (11.22.2016)

+ Updated visual composer plugin.
- Fixed minor theme options issue.

Version 3.3.1 (11.11.2016)

+ Updated visual composer plugin.

Version 3.3 (10.27.2016)

+ Added wedding demo.
+ Added main menu wrapper padding option in sticky header.
+ Added logo type option in Theme Options > General > Logo, Icons.
+ Added logo font option in Theme Options > Skin > Typography.
+ Added footer background parallax options in Theme Options > Skin > Footer.
+ Added back to blog option in Theme Options > Post > Single Post.
+ Added new post carousel style in Theme Options > Post > Post Carousel.
+ Updated revolution slider, porto shortcodes plugins.
+ Updated dummy data.
- Fixed port carousle navigation issue.
- Fixed block content type search engine issue.
- Fixed portfolio masony layout issue.
- Fixed vc row, column equal height issues.
- Fixed minor css, js issues.

Version 3.2 (10.10.2016)

+ Added hotel demo.
+ Added medical demo.
+ Added porto feature box shortcode.
+ Added custom image icon option in shortcodes.
+ Added custom css, javascript code options in content types, terms.
+ Added new member archive view type.
+ Added footer widgets area background options.
+ Added sticky header effect.
+ Added breadcrumbs parallax feature.
+ Added breadcrumbs delimiter option.
+ Added portfolio, member, faq archive page sub title options.
+ Updated visual composer, porto shortcodes, porto widgets plugins.
+ Updated simple line icons font.
+ Updated porto section shortcode.
+ Updated footer template files.
+ Updated header side navigation template file.
+ Updated page header template files.
+ Updated member, portfolio template files.
- Fixed google font charsets issue.
- Fixed minor css, js issues.

Version 3.1 (8.30.2016)

+ Added Construction Demo.
+ Added Restaurant Demo.
+ Added Law Firm Demo.
+ Added Digital Agency Demo.
+ Updated porto content types, porto shortcodes, ultimate addons plugins.
+ Added new portfolio slideshow type with thumbnails.
+ Added option to change featured image on archives in Portfolio options.
+ Add location field in Portfolio.
+ Added page sub title option in View Options.
+ Added porto lightbox container shortcode.
+ Added logo overlay options in Theme Options > General > Logo, Icons.
+ Added show title option in Theme Options > Post > Single Post.
+ Added portfolio slideshow type in Theme Options > Portfolio > Single Portfolio.
+ Added portfolios page, members page, faqs page options in Theme Options.
+ Added more options in Theme Options > Breadcrumbs.
+ Added post style options in Theme Options > Post > Blog & Archive.
+ Added post excerpt length option in Theme Options > Post > Single Post.
+ Added portfolio sub title select option in Theme Options > Portfolio > Portfolio Archives.
+ Added global banner block options in Theme Options > Post > Single Post, Theme Options > Portfolio > Single Portfolio, Theme Options > Member > Single Member.
+ Added page sub title skin options in Theme Options > Skin > Breadcrumbs.
+ Added active color, background color in Theme Options > Skin > Main Menu > Top Level Menu Item.
+ Added header margin options in Theme Options > Skin > Header > Header.
+ Added footer columns options in Theme Options > Footer > Footer Type.
- Fixed portfolio like issue.
- Fixed portfolio, member, faq filters issue.
- Fixed product custom tabs count issue.
- Fixed animation issue.
- Fixed progress bar tooltip animation issue.
- Fixed minor javascript, css issues.
- Fixed yith woocommerce ajax filter dropdown issue.

Version 3.0.3 (7.21.2016)

+ Compatible with woocommerce 2.6.3.
- Fixed minor issues.

Version 3.0.2 (7.13.2016)

- Fixed woocommerce checkout issue.

Version 3.0.1 (7.12.2016)

- Fixed wpml language switcher issue.
- Fixed minor javascript issues.
- Fixed minor css issues.

Version 3.0 (7.11.2016)


+ Slider revolution wordpress plugin
+ Gallery single portfolio template
+ Carousel single portfolio template
+ Medias single portfolio template
+ Full Width Video single portfolio template
+ Masonry Images single portfolio template
+ Full Images single portfolio template
+ Extended single portfolio template
+ Masonry portfolio archive template
+ Ajax load portfolios on page
+ Ajax load portfolios on modal
+ Image Frame porto shortcode
+ Carousel porto shortcode
+ Image Gallery porto shortcode
+ Lightbox shortcodes
+ Member columns option
+ Portfolio info view types: Left Info, Centered Info, Bottom Info, Bottom Info Dark, Hide Info Hover
+ Sticky Sidebar
+ Side Navigation instead of sidebar on mobile
+ Microdata disable option in Page options
+ Fontawesome icon - version 4.6.3
+ Magnific Popup jquery plugin


+ Plugins installation
+ Demo installation
+ Porto content types, shortcodes, widgets plugins
+ Ultimate addons plugin
+ Theme options
+ Portfolios porto shortcode
+ Members porto shortcode
+ Recent portfolios porto shortcode
+ Recent members porto shortcode
+ Recent posts porto shortcode
+ Price Box shortcodes


- Yith woocommerce ajax filter in woo 2.6
- Layout issues


- Master slider wordpress plugin
- Blueimp gallery javascript plugin

Compatible Browsers:
Compatible WordPress Versions:
Compatible Plugins:
BuddyPress 2.5.x
WooCommerce 3.2.x
WooCommerce 3.1.x
WooCommerce 3.0.x
WooCommerce 2.6.x
WooCommerce 2.5
WooCommerce 2.4.x
bbPress 2.5.x
Visual Composer 5.1.x
Visual Composer 4.12.x
Visual Composer 4.11.x
Bootstrap 4.x
bootstrap 4


PageSpeed Score

A score calculated by Google Pagespeed Insights - testing various aspects against best practice.
A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

YSlow Score

A score calculated by Yahoo - testing various aspects against best practice.
A bad value is not necessarily a general elimination criterion as there will be a lot of space for improvements.

Load Time

Load time should be as fast as possible ( less than 3 seconds ) - every additional second will cost you visitors and google ranking.


Try to keep the number of requests small ( less than 50 ) - combine files / remove plugins to reduce the number of requests.

Page Size

Page size should be as small as possible ( less than 3 MB ) - optimize images and minify files to reduce the page weight.

Requests / Type
Size / Type
Time / State



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