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utouch Wordpress theme version 2 banner

theme for saas, sturtup, business

Link to demo wordpress sturtup theme

Link to demo wordpress sturtup theme documentation

Astounding and Eye-catching Design of Utouch Startup Theme

Elegant design emphasizes the narrow specialization of the theme. Utouch functionality satisfies all requests of Startup, Business, IT and Software companies because of a great combination of throughout page blocks, UI/UX icons and amazing design. The complete freedom to make your ideas real!
Astounding and Eye-catching Design of Utouch Startup Theme

Powerful KingComposer for easy building of any Software Company Website

The best Frontend Live Editor shows all edits in real time mode. Its intuitive interface surprises you with multiple Widgets, amazing Sliders, responsive setting and other features. No matter you’re a WordPress specialist or newbie, KingComposer provides you indispensable knowledge from web-development. Rise up your business!

Powerful KingComposer for easy building of any Software Company Website

Responsive Design

Responsive web design ensures the amazing website display on any screen format of the device. Using a responsive design in combination with the right business tactics has the potential to provide better results and wow-effect for any business sphere.

Responsive Design

Included plugins

We create Utouch adding all necessary plugins and settings to turn a website into a powerful tool. Stunning compatibility of plugins and Utouch Wordpress theme discovers new horizons. Catch a chance to make a great website in few clicks without any extra money spending.

Included plugins

Utouch Regular Updates

To ensure smooth theme functioning we provide regular updates. There is one-click Auto Update option to simplify the update process for admin.

Utouch Regular Updates

User reviews

User reviews

Main Theme Features

Main Theme Features

Crumina themes Facebook page

Crumina themes Twitter page


Version 2.0 June 21, 2018
-added google fonts to the theme files
-added "telegram" social icon to the social network icons list
-added new portfolio style
-added popup for cart
-added preloader option
-added Sticky header option for mobiles
-added Event list sort by date option
-added option to change the tab titles for individual events
-added editor for User Biographical information field
-improved Yoast Seo issue compatibility
-improved author page
-improved EDD compatibility
-improved testimonial slider element
-fixed testimonial author image
-fixed Subscribe form
-fixed Instragram widget
-fixed contact form widget
-fixed alt and title tags for images
-fixed pricing table toggle
-fixed button "open link in a new tab" option

-updated WooCommerce templates
-updated plugins

Version 1.7 May 17, 2018
-added option to use Mailchimp for Subscribe block
-added WooCommerce shortocodes to Pagebuilder
-added Call to action button styling option
-added drop down menu animations
-added Portfolio carousel View Case link text option
-added Portfolio carousel exclude categories option
-added custom attribute option for a Button element
-added accordion auto closing option
-added Cart icon for EDD plugin
-improved Full height option in Crumina Slider
-improved vertical slider in Utouch
-improved Skew and Curved rows background
-improved portfolio sorting option
-fixed Pricing table monthly-annually bug
-fixed additional CSS class option for Button
-fixed hyper-link option in Feature box
-fixed Contact from bug
-fixed video raw background option
-updated plugins/extensions
-updated .pot file

Version 1.4 February 20, 2018
- fixed stunning header height option
- fixed background color in the slider option
- fixed blog posts duplicating
- fixed map on Events page
- fixed custom class option for Pricing table
- improved Monthly-Anually toggle text in Pricing table
- improved WooCommerce compatibility
- added logotype typorgaphy option
- added alt tags for features block
- added contact form button color option
- added landing page template
- added View Case button text option to mega menu

Version 1.3. November 24, 2017
- Improved contact form popup - now one can set custom form created in the Forms section
- Fixed Subscribe widget in Firefox + improved its functionality
- Fixed primary and secondary colors
- Fixed Load More button on portfolio
- Added styles for EDD an its extensions
- Added option to change "View case" button text on portfolio
- Added compatibility with Go Pricing plugin
- Improved menu behavior on hover
- Small styling fixes

Version 1.1.8, November 9. 2017
- Fixed post date format display on all screens
- Deleted default description from the contact form
- Fixed mobile menu loading

Version 1.1., October 19, 2017
- Added Woocommerce and Easy Digital Downloads styles
- Added Woocommerce and EDD pages on demo site
- Added all SVG icons into 'etc' folder of the Utouch TF package

Compatible Browsers:
Compatible WordPress Versions:
Compatible Plugins:
WooCommerce 3.1.x
Easy Digital Downloads 2.5.x
Bootstrap 3.x

No performance data gathered yet!

If you want us to performance test it, write us an email to ....



Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of these links we may receive a commission. We do not receive any money for positive reviews or positive performance tests.